Energy Field Dynamics - Or Does Your Aura Need an Overhaul?We've all got word of auras and admitted to the possibility or physical body using an aura or luminosity that could sometimes be seen by some gifted individuals-and "read", no less. I need to admit to using been intrigued with the thought, which prompted me to possess aura photos taken on a number of occasions; all said the "greens" told of healing in my energy field which was increasingly fascinating considering none of these aura photographers knew me. donna energy medicine , a ,000 model, produced a picture of the pearly white haze, that when retaken with my electro-protective Maltese Medallion hanging inside my heart chakra, triggered a photo just a little better, apart from the golden glow encircling this part of therapeutic jewelry.
Recently, while working together with an Intuitive Questioning Technique (IQT) my interest peaked if we learned that many people who have used energy medicine for deep cellular cleansing had progressed past the rating system i was using to "homeostasis". 1 When we checked the possibility the cellular output may have cleared after dark degree of the physical body, we were surprised to discover, again via IQT, that cleansing had progressed through all four known energy bodies (etheric, mental, casual and astral), as described by energy medicine pioneer, Richard Gerber, MD. yet others. 2 Intuition towards the rescue
A dilemma now presented itself, an unusual variety of symptoms presenting themselves nowadays that neither allopathic nor natural alternatives was in a position to fully address. These included but were not tied to brain and lung malfunction, loss of memory, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, "auto-immune" diseases, acute nerve degeneration, blood abnormalities, nausea, extreme fatigue, cataracts, hearing and problems with sleep, soft tissue sarcoma, tumors, irritability, recurring headaches inability to learn, along with nerve and psychiatric problems. All this damage we learned could be caused with the radiation individuals wireless age. 3 We began to think that by using these symptoms still unresolved by clients, there needs to be greater than four energy bodies inside human Energy Field where, perhaps this radiation, and who knows what else, was hidden. This, from the way, is how the intuitive process works, by questioning then downloading the info since it comes through; scientists, researchers, great doctors, healers, inventors, savvy entrepreneurs, if they are sensitive to it or not, all use this intuitive process. Once click here are cleansed we percieve that everyone has this high a higher level intuitive sense, our birthright. Again, over the Intuitive Questioning Technique we found what looks like it's the use of multiple energy bodies. By checking the clarity of each body past the known four, we found not ten, not one hundred, but one thousand subtle energy bodies within the human Energy Field. Was this possible? I called over a "Master" in Sedona to inquire about. He laughed and answered, "Probably way over that!" since that time. A healthy body is determined by the proper functioning of its 75 trillion cells. Healers know this and act on the amount of the physical body using herbs, homeopathics, massage, colonics, BEFE footbaths, saunas, wraps and much more. Even energy medicine targets the physical body. Unresolved health challenges, however, soon prompted digging in new frequencies for the formulas, which immediately bumped readings off of the charts. And so it became obvious that the Energy Field was holding seriously toxic levels of poisoning, chaotic electric and also radiation plus much more. According to Gerber and Samual Hahnemann, the father of recent homeopathy before him, much illness is caused by the leaching of toxic "misams" back into the body from the subtle energetic degrees of the Energy Field. Very possibly, the scientists, miasms maybe the "root cause" of most chronic disease. True energy workers understand the procedure needed to cleanse at night physical body to the subtle bodies with the Energy Field. Now we were beginning to realize why answers can't be seen in diet changes to "natural", raw eating or drinking green drinks, nor with the liver, gallbladder, colon and blood detoxifications. And certainly not with any allopathic therapies. We know, energy medicine is one in the few ways our body can experience a real cleansing of what we're now calling the "Infinite Energy Field". More research have to be carried out in this emerging science of neutralizing toxic miasms in the expanded Energy Field, as well as medicine may be part of the answer. When symptoms linger, you might never consider scheduling an aura cleansing- with the entire energy field.
Carol Rose Keppler, intuited research
Richard Gerber, MD Vibrational Medicine: New Choices for Healing Ourselves
Amy Worthington, "The Radiation Poisoning of America", global
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