Essentials of Customs Clearance SoftwareAn effective customs software has become a basic need for customs clearance agents. The complete process has become so complex due to a large number of documents & the statutory compliances that have to be adhered to. A software channelizes all the energy of a CHA to increasing his business volumes & not into documentation & other process handling. The following are the essentials of a Customs Clearance Software –
- Flexibility to work from anywhere – In this day & age of cloud computing, your customs clearance process should be able to be accessible from anywhere at any time. Thus, an online Customs Management Software for Customs Clearance is the only answer to this.
- Document filing to any Customs location – The customs location can be anywhere on this planet, thus, your software should be able to file the documents to the same.
- Enable online filing of Bills of Entry and Shipping Bills via ICEGATE
- Should enable your organization to provide improved service to your customers
- Should be preferably a complete online solution without any requirement for installation.
- The Customs Brokerage Software should enable statutory compliance with complete peace of mind.
- The Customs Management System should have updated databases for Classifications, Duties, Notifications, DEPB, Drawback, Ports, and Exchange Rates, etc.
- Enable Daily Status Report
- The Customs Broker Software should come with an enhanced client reporting system – Your clients should have access to the status of their goods via your software.
- The customs management system helps in Informed Decision Making – Automated reporting features & graphical MIS reports must be present which help in help informed decision-making.
- An efficient Customs Management Software also helps to reduce Administrative Costs – This is one of the most important reasons to install customs broker software.
The customs clearance software must in line with maximizing capacity and minimizing costs while profitably meeting the requirements of customers.
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