What is the history of mobile phones?While most of us actually feel like we cannot live without our cell phones, they have not been available for a very long time.
In reality, cell phones, as we all actually know them today probably, have just only been available for the last 20 years.

When have cell phones been invented?
Mobile phones, perhaps the smart phones which have become the most inseparable companions today, are indeed relatively young. Mobile phones actually were conceived as early as 1940s, whenever AT&T engineers developed cell phones and mobile phone all base stations. Invention of Mobile Phones has been proven very beneficial.
The very earliest cell phones were just not really the mobile phones at all. Then they also were two-way radios that made it easier for people including cab drivers and otherwise emergency responders to connect.
Instead of focusing on the base stations with different cells (and therefore the signal being transmitted from one single cell to the other), the very first mobile phone networks included a very powerful and effective base station serving a much wide area. History of Mobile Phones is very long. Motorola was the first ever company to somewhat mass-produce the first portable cell phone on 3 April 1973. Motorola dynatac 8000x is a pretty famous device. All these early cell phones are generally referred to as either 0G mobile phones or otherwise Zero Generation phones. Today, most of the mobile phones rely on 3G or even 4G network technologies.
Mobile History Landmarks
Invention of Mobile already has a long tradition, beginning with communication tests from and to move cars rather than portable devices. Later particular years, the key problems have been the creation of interoperable protocols and the management of explosive achievements and the ever-increasing need for bandwidth and otherwise reliability.
1926: The very first successful handheld telephony service was introduced to first-class travellers on the Deutsche Reichsbahn long route now between Berlin and otherwise Hamburg.
2007: perhaps the official debut of the iPhone. Only made available upon O2 at official launch somewhere in the UK and otherwise priced at an eye-watering price of 9, Nokia CEO comfortably dismissed it as nothing more just than a 'cool handset' that would not convert column inches all into the market share.
2008: The first ever Android phone was introduced in the form of a particular T-Mobile G1. Now named the O.G of further Android phones, which is a very long way from all high-end Android smart phones we are using today. Not least just because it maintained a physical keyboard and also a whole BlackBerry-style navigation trackball.
2009: O2 has publicly also announced that it has successfully somehow demonstrated a 4G direct connection by using somehow the six LTE masts instead in Slough, UK. The equipment supplied by Huawei has reached a peak downlink performance of 150Mbps.
WhatsApp also debuted that year, enabling users to send and perhaps receive the calls and even messages over the Phone.
2010: The first Galaxy S mobile was launched by Samsung. The Samsung Galaxy S range of former Android giants, HTC, is however still the most successful Android brand.
2012: When text messaging came for the first time, most people did not believe they would catch on. Ten years after, the British sent a billion messages in a month.