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The Important Things to Know About Emergency Flood Cleanup Companies

When your home or office suddenly floods from weather, a plumbing crisis or other causes, it's essential to get help fast. While many contractors may claim to deal with emergency flooding situations, only a few are certified and experienced at emergency flood cleanup in Roswell. Check out these "must know" steps as you get your home or office cleaned up.


Because water damage is subtle, it's difficult to detect. While the naked eye may have you believe that your home or office is damage free after a furious session of mopping and cleanup attempts, damage may run deeper than the surface. Carpets that have gotten too soggy may grow mold, just as your floor joists and drywall may have more damage than you anticipated. Hire a professional company to inspect and test for water damage that can't be observed without special equipment and expertise.

Cleanup Methods

Licensed and certified restoration companies have strict and proven procedures they follow to ensure that the cleanup process is effective. Once they've tested for damage, they use special equipment to extract any remaining moisture. They use industrial fans to create air movement to help dry your home and office quicker, to reduce damage. Qualified companies utilize dehumidifiers to remove even more moisture from the air, surfaces and other elements of your home or office. After the cleanup process seems complete, they implement advanced techniques to ensure the job has been properly and check for any leftover moisture.


Most qualified companies will tackle any kind of emergency flood cleanup job, including those stemming from clean water or raw sewage issues. Expert restoration services will be able to address cleanup in a small unfinished basement, as well as working on a disaster that affected all levels of a 40-story building. Companies with expertise can utilize their skills and equipment to remediate and restore any kind of emergency flood cleanup.

Insurance Coverage

Depending on your insurance coverage, you may be able to get financial assistance with your emergency flood cleanup in Roswell. However, the first call you should make is to the cleanup experts. The sooner they can get in and begin cleanup, the fewer problems you may incur down the road with mold or other water damage. After the cleanup crew has assessed your problem, contact your insurance agent and relay details about the situation. Once you've determined that insurance will help with repairs, your cleanup company and insurance agent can work together to establish a reasonable plan of action.

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Jammy SmithJammy Smith
Joined: June 20th, 2018
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