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XYZ stages and linear bearing


Using a bearing system to move a linear stage platform is one option for motion technology and influences friction and other issues. It is this bearing that makes movement possible and it has diverse types.

They include:

• Ball bearing
• Air bearing
• Dovetails
• Roller bearing
• Box ways
• Linear ball bearings
• Sleeve bearings

The bearing is placed between the bottom platform and the top plate and will affect the movement of an object. Bearing systems can be used in all type of motion control systems, such as linear stages, XY stage which could be a combination of two linear stages or a complete XY stage that only moves one platform in two dimensions or even an XYZ stage which moves in three axis. It is possible to even measure the overall XYZ performance to understand how your stage operates.


These linear stages could be applied in various areas, but with similarity in machining and equipment. Some of these machines that use linear stages include packaging equipment, processing equipment, metrology equipment, pick and place and other types of machines mostly used in factories. It is also applied in a range of furniture and household development materials like furniture, drawers and a lot more. However, linear stages could also be used in photonics. With linear stages, nanopositioners and micropositioners come in real handy as linear stages could also induce the nanometer precision needed for the photonic optical instrumentation. Linear stages could equally relay the piezo effect through piezo electricity.

In essence, a linear stage is important for motion control between planes. It keeps heavy machinery in their pre-defined axis of performance and depending on the choice of technology it will have an effect of the friction. There are so many intricate details of linear stages. However, its working principle is pretty straight forward which makes its application much easier.

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Susan CaliforniaSusan California
Professional blogger and content writer
Joined: March 17th, 2019
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