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Audio Production - From Good to Great in Popular Music

Music Producation Course In Delhi is a universal language that unites people from all over the world. Regardless of whether one understands the meaning of the lyrics or not, music will always have a way of drawing people together. When lyrics are on the lips of the listeners long after the song has finished playing, or when beats resound in their minds, then that is without a doubt a great song. Popular music may at times require a musical genius but with some tips and help people can come up with great songs.

The first thing you may consider may be the theme of the song as some themes tend to reoccur in pop music. One such theme is love, which surprisingly never grows old. Even music from back in the days often carry undertones of the subject of love. Being able to withstand through the test of time, shows that love is always a popular theme to write music for.

Join Music Producation Institute In Jaipur You may notice especially in hip hop that some songs last for generations. But it is because of Hip Hop's musical roots stemming from track sampling. This is the reason why some hits from as back as the 50s are been used to create newer popular song. This concept is where producers use snippets of an old song and lay a drum beat and instruments over to create a new song. More often than not many of the people today know the "remix" rather than the original. Can this make a song great? Sure it can, look at so many of the popular songs today and if you really listen you'll realize that it draws influence from times before them yet adding a new edge. So it is important to understand what current popular music is, yet not completely forgetting about the original music roots.

Audio production is much easier today than it was back then due to the technological advancements. Technology acts as an interface that allow people to compose great music without being a polished and technical musician. Better music software enable people to come up with music in a period as short as an hour! Just as technology can benefit music producers it can also hurt them. Too much of something may not always be a good thing, sometimes the simplest beat render the best results.

Bear in mind that the target audience is a plus for any music composer who want his/her work to be remembered for long. Audio production is an art thus for it to be accepted as being popular it must cater to a wider range of audience. This is where the composer should consider the content of the song. For instance, when composing a song meant for teenagers the composer should evaluate whether the song will appeal to a person who will be a teenager and their likes and dislikes. Sometimes making popular music may mean deviating away from your personal tastes and learn to cater to the market.

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Joined: April 29th, 2019
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