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TasteBrandy now offers Monastery Brandy through a specific business model and by


Tastebrandy, the Serbian Slivovitz Online Shop specializes in the Serbia’s first class brandies, unusual spirits and offers monastery brandy crafted, aged and distilled in the orthodox monastery cellar. To buy brandy UK checkout

Tracing back to the origin of the Monastery Brandy

During the reign of the Ottoman period the medieval times the orthodox monasteries were known as the best spot for brewing brandy and the art of making brandy was a knowledge which was carefully guarded by the Serbian monks for centuries afterwards. The monastery brandy was not made for the commercial purpose rather it was a traditional culture and the monastery brands produced then was elixirs of life and known for being the supreme quality ones.


Tastebrandy traces the historical and traditional monastery brand made in the cellars of the orthodox monasteries of Serbia. As such, Tastebrandy makes group visits on the most well known Orthodox monasteries of Serbia for introducing the finest quality of monastery brandy to the German buyers.

The foundation of Tastebrandy can traced back to the year of 2010 when a group of enthusiasts realized the potentialities of fruit brandy’s traditional culture and the huge worldwide demand of brandy. During the initial time Tastebrandy was owned by Damaskin Ltd, operated by a Serbia-based company and conducted online business of ordering and delivering brandy.

However during 2010, there was no clear legal frame and delivering brandy worldwide was risky. This made the availability of Slivovitz and monastery brand limited to certain large population of the whole world. Fortunately, during the later period of 2018, Tastebrandy unleashes new business model and supply chain logistic system to make the traditional Monastery Brandy available outside Serbia.


Development of New Delivery Model & Supply Chain

During the initial stage of Tastebrandy operation, delivering monastery brandy required higher shipping cost per item and the delivery method via air mail was also unreliable. To address these problems, in 2019 the management of Tastebrandy develops new business model and an efficient delivery model to address the need of monastery brandy worldwide. 

Thereby, in 2019 Tastebrandy operate a new business model and currently offers upstream supply chain management and logistic. The new unified logistic chain helps in managing complicated supply chain such as that of sourcing from the most well-known monasteries and bottling to warehouse coordinating smooth transportation and delivery of bulk wine and brandy.

Tastebrandy provides a turn-key solution to large and rich EU consumer market for accessing the Monastery Slivovitz and the products of the cellar of the  Serbia’s Orthodox Monasteries in a unified logistic chain model that manages all complex details from the point of its purchase to the producer using the very own fulfillment warehouse located in the Western Europe.

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Susan CaliforniaSusan California
Professional blogger and content writer
Joined: March 17th, 2019
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