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Have an Elderly Parent who doesn’t want to take medications?

Many seniors tend to get more stubborn with age. Trying to ensure they take their medications, as prescribed, is a common challenge. Your parents might be skeptical about any new medications but they may be paranoid and suspicious, if they are suffering from a condition like dementia. This can present a huge challenge, if you’re cannot be present around the clock.

Fortunately, if your parents are beneficiaries of a program, such as EEOICPA or RECA, and qualify for free home healthcare services. Other people can look to options like home health care, assisted living facilities, and when the it is necessary, moving the parent to a nursing home.

Meantime, here are some excellent tips to get your elderly parent to take the medication, as prescribed by their doctor

Check if the medication can be taken with food

Some seniors don’t want to take the medication because of its taste. You can mask the pill with food, but you need to check with the doctor first to confirm whether or not the medication can be taken with food. Ask if it is alright to blend or crush the medication and mix it with food.

Ensuring the medication is taken

Some seniors miss the medication, not because of unwillingness but because they don’t remember. If they frequently forget to take their medications, you can fix the problem by using a pill organizer or checklist. You can also set up an alert in an app in their phone. If they have a home caregiver, ensure that the caregiver is informed about the medication schedule and prescriptions.

Focus on important medications

If your parent is reluctant to take any medication, lay emphasis on taking the most important ones first. Talk to their doctor and start by addressing the medications that are absolutely necessary.

Check for side effects

Your parent may be refusing the medication because of some unpleasant side effects. Check whether they feel nauseated or dizzy after taking the medication. If yes, talk to their doctor to see if the doctor can prescribe any alternatives.

Stay positive

While dealing with your aging parents, you need to keep your emotions in check. Anyone, even dementia patients, can pick up on the tone of your voice or your body language. A negative environment can make them even more resistant to taking their medications.

Sometimes you may not be able to do it all on your own. It is alright to need assistance and ask for help in taking care of your elderly parents. Check out options like home health care and compensation programs for your senior loved ones.

To learn more about workers compensation home health care, defense worker nursing care or home health care for millers, call CNS (Critical Nurse Staffing) at 877-259-9001.

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Critical Nurse StaffingCritical Nurse Staffing
Joined: July 30th, 2019
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