Structural Applications of Glue-Laminated TimberWood plays an important role in the construction process. Wood is given a number of forms to get a more sophisticated and stylish look which also adds to its functionality. Glued laminated timber is used in the construction industry and for a variety of purposes. It is an engineered wood product manufactured by small pieces of seasoned timber together. These wood products are available in varied shapes and sizes. Curved laminated timber beams are used in structural purposes to add aesthetic appeal. (Information Credit -
Common Forms:
Glulam timber has a wide range of applications for both indoor and outdoor use. Various forms of such timber are used in different areas. Forms that are commonly used, include:
- Round and square columns and complex sections
- Trusses
- Tied rafters
- Tied arches
- Straight beams that include lintels, ridge beams and floor beams
- Curved beams
Glulam is available in both hardwood and softwood. These wood products are highly durable and are resistant to damage.
To serve various structural applications, glulam timber comes in four different grades. Depending on the need of appearance in industrial, framing, architectural and premium application, different grades of glulam timber is used.
Industrial- Industrial grade appearance glulam timber is used in the areas, where aesthetic is not the priority. It is applied in the concealed areas, which are not visible to people. So, it is not a huge problem, if there is any imperfection on the surface of timber like a knot or void.
Framing- Framing-grade is also used for concealed areas. It is a good choice for the structures of the residential buildings, where glulam is applied combining with dimension lumber.
Architectural- Architectural grade has a pleasing aesthetic is good for the applications, which require exposure to the material. High-quality laminated timber with the beautiful finish is required for architectural applications. This grade offers a smooth and attractive surface by filling the imperfections and voids present in the wood.
Premium- This grade of glulam offers the highest quality and the smoothest surface. It is designed by the special order for customised glulam and used for special situations.
Glued laminated timber is a cost-effective and highly customisable material. Apart from is customisability, it offers innumerable benefits to architects and designers alike. The benefits include-
Glulam timber is a product that offers several roof and floor beams design options, bracing, decking, columns and many other structural components.
- The material is cost-effective, as it can be handled and transported at a reduced cost.
- The material is easy to install.
- Glulam is customisable and can fit into any requirement.
- It is available in various sizes and can be manufactured with appropriate dimensions.
Glulam timber is a material that should be handled carefully to minimise the risk of damage. Once it gets damaged, its structural strength or capacity is reduced. Besides, you should avoid too much outdoor exposure before installation.
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