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6 Reasons Why Holistic Addiction Therapies are Better Than Medications

Dealing with addiction is a struggle that an addict has to deal with every day. Treatments for addiction are now available in wide array ranging from therapies to medications. More and more people are now turning towards a treatment that involves more of mind and body with minimal involvement of drugs. Below are some of the reasons why holistic addiction therapies are better than medication:

1. Treats Mind, Body, and Spirit

A holistic approach to healing focuses around the concept that the mind, body, and spirit of an individual must all be healthy in order for that person to have the most successful life that they can possibly experience. It focuses on complete well being of individuals rather than just treating the physical effects of addiction. It involves techniques and methods that individual exclusive.  

2. Based on Traditional Therapies

For decades, thousands of traditional methods have been used to treat addiction of alcohol or drugs. Holistic addiction therapies uses thesetried and trusted methods for substance abuse. They are tested and successfully worked on many addicts.

3. Caring and Compassionate Environment

Treating addiction is more than administering right therapy. Holistic approach is beyond sessions, it is about supporting the addict while he/she is recovering. The holistic professionals offers compassionate environment to make the addict feel safe, secure. This method encourages fast healing and gives confidence to the addict. These individuals are trained and experienced in providing therapeutic interventions that conveys compassion and empathy for the struggles each individual faces.

4. High Rates of Long-Term Success

Holistic methods of treating substance abuse tend to have better long-term outcomes than medications. A percentage of recovery in individuals is higher with very small fraction falling back to addiction again.

5. Availability of Diverse Treatment Options

Holistic treatment facilities utilize a wide array of treatment options. A holistic approach recognizes the importance of treating all body systems equally that includes mind, body and soul. This approach appears non essential for many but it is where the core of holistic treatment lies. Therefore, holistic programs provide nutritional support, massage, fitness programs, meditation, and outdoor recreational programs.

6. Quality After Care Programs and Follow Up

Holistic treatment programs also recognize that the individual’s treatment doesn’t end the second he leaves the facility. Successful rehabilitation requires a great deal of skilled follow-up and aftercare therapies to keep a track of person’s health and recovery. These aftercare programs act as an additional means of support to keep each individual from withdrawal or relapse.

Choose a certified holistic therapist or center whenever thinking of taking this treatment.

Author’s bio: The author is a blogger and the article is about holistic therapies.

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Joined: January 23rd, 2019
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