How Can You Be Sure About Your Chiropractor’s Prescription? Whether you are a baseball player that entertains crowds in the Dodger’s stadium, a stunt man in Universal Studios or a mid-level executive in a software company like me, you can develop back pain for a lot of reasons. And when you consult a doctor, you are most likely referred to a physical therapist. Yet many people still take-up chiropractic treatment at home. Most doctors in Glendale don’t advice chiropractic adjustment Glendale because the study behind this kind of treatment is not yet proven completely. Well, if you don’t have lower back pain like I do or have never dealt with back pain treatment, you are likely to not be familiar with these terms. So, here’s what you need to know.
Chiropractic therapy The chiropractic healthcare profession deals with health issues related to the human nervous system and/or musculoskeletal system by treating them with non-surgical techniques that are done by hand, foot or touch, like massage, body-cracking, synchronized low impact body blows etc. Since, there is no proven theory behind these methods, hence the hesitation towards the application. People who conduct these therapies are call ‘Chiropractors’. But the fact that they apply these physically torturous looking therapies to patients without any research or analysis at all, is untrue. They do their bit of research and analysis by examining the body for instability, pain, asymmetry, defects or other problems. So, I suffer from back-pain that I developed due to sitting in an incorrect posture. So, when I met a chiropractor, there were a few steps of examination and observation that he followed. I was first asked to explain about how I experience the pain. So I pointed out the affected area along with movements that increase or decrease the intensity of the pain, followed by the duration and frequency of occurrence. All of these things were being noted as we spoke. They also asked me of any instances of the same issue in the family members. Which was answered quickly as this was only happening with me. So, I explained my work schedule and details of activities that I go through during my work day. They also asked me about my relation with people at work and friends. After the brief interview, I was asked to go through a physical examination, in which the chiropractor tried checking the affected area by applying pressure using his hands. I have now been asked to share my X-ray of my spinal cord with them for further analysis. While I’m definitely sure that the examination and diagnosis of my pain through this chiropractor will only help me understand my problem better, but I’m still a little skeptical about the overall treatment. I guess, I’m afraid of even listening to it. This is all because of the many reasons apart from unproven therapeutic techniques, why people are skeptical about approaching chiropractors.
Misguiding marketing The marketing and sales tactics that many chiropractors use, are considered to be aggressive and distasteful by many people, especially pre-paid treatment packages, and the addition of other services and products that when consulted elsewhere are of no relevance to the original issue. These case have been reported and even written about recently. Thus at many places chiropractic often involves many fast but costly treatments. But why do chiropractors try these hard-sales techniques? It’s only going to lower the reliability and furthermore, the future success of the profession. The belief behind chiropractic was that nearly any health problem can be linked and cured with spinal manipulation. Which may be reasonable for back or neck pain but due to lack of scientific evidence that support the fact that chiropractic therapy can prevent or cure a wide variety of ailments, is still be presented.
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