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Exercise Plan for Improving Fitness and Fertility | Indira IVF

Exercise Plan for Improving Fitness and Fertility | Indira IVF

Exercise Plan for  Improving Fitness and Fertility

Fitness plays an important role in your life, especially when you are looking to conceive and get pregnant quicker. Most of the doctors recommend physical exercise to women who are going with their fertility treatments or facing any issues like PCOS or PCOD. 

Most of the studies continue to show the importance of physical exercise in boosting fertility and increase the chances of achieving pregnancy. So, it’s really necessary to make a physical exercise and workout the part of the daily routine.

 No matter, what problems you’re facing in conceiving, the best exercise for fertility will not only help you in making you look fit but also make you highly fertile. 

Does Exercise Increase Women Fertility?

Keeping your body active and fit is the best ways to fight infertility. Studies prove that women’s who do exercise and yoga dailyget pregnant quicker than women’s who don’t do exercise.  Fitness not only help you in getting pregnant, but physical exercises also help in giving natural birth to your baby.  Physical Exercise is one of the best ways to cure all your infertility related problems, even IVF treatment is more effective in fit women.

Can We Exercise on Daily Basis When we’re taking IVF Treatment?

 In most of the cases, you can exercise while taking IVF treatments or trying to conceive. Especially when you are following a fitness routine. Exercise has numerous benefits and it not only help you increase fertility, but also prepare your body for pregnancy.

Exercise can help you feel happy, confident and keep you away from health issues.  So, physical exercise is a good idea.

Here, take a look at some of the best physical exercises for best results in IVF Treatment and enhancing your fertility:

#1  Yoga and Pilates

The Bee Breath or Bhramari Pranayama is one of the best yoga asanas for stress relieving. Many studies show that psychological stress is a significant factor that causes infertility or problems like PCOS.  This asana helps you in keeping your body calm and stress-free.  With a calm state of mind, you can increase the chances of conceiving and get pregnant.

#2  Legs Up The Wall

If this asana of legs up the wall performed by the intercourse can increase the chances of conception.  This asana will help you sperm reach inside your body closer to the uterus and thus chances can increase of reaching the matured egg for the fertilization process. So, try this asana every day after intercourse and increase the chances of getting pregnant.

#3 Walking, Jogging and Aerobics (Moderate Cardio)

Know your energy levels, make sure to don’t overdo the exercise and do only that much that not make you highly discomfort (As little discomfort is necessary for the workout), Cardio also helps in improving your blood flow and that’s very important for reproductive health.

Daily walking about 30 minutes to 45 minutes is great for increasing your fertility and fitness.

#4 Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana is one of the best asanas for fertility. It helps the increase of the blood flow to the ovaries and uterus.  This will help you in getting pregnant in an easier way without any difficulties.

#5  Swimming

 Swimming is great exercise for women who are trying to conceive because it gives you a benefit of a great workout without the joint stressing impact.

#6  Zumba

 Zumba can help you improve the blood circulation in the body. As the good circulation of the blood in the body is important for a healthy pregnancy. You can start Zumba with 15 mins and increase to 30 minutes as per your energy and comfort.

If you’re looking to improve your health and fertility, then adding the exercise in your daily routine is one of the best actions to take.  Physical Exercise and Fertility both are connected and offers great benefits to the women who are planning to conceive. If you face any kind of discomfort while performing yogas or Physical Exercise for IVF, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor. 

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Joined: August 19th, 2019
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