Benefits of using Log Drying Kilns
Thousands of logs get rotten every year and cost millions of dollars. The reason behind log rotting is moisture. Logs hold a huge amount of moisture in them and cause rusting. Log drying kilns reduce this damage and make it beneficial for use.
Log drying kilns are used to make woods dry and moisture-free. It helps logs to control temperature, moisture and humidity for a certain period.
Why are log drying kilns so important?
The hollow cell structure in logs is responsible for the moisture that it holds. Logs naturally absorb or release moisture. So when logs are undried, whether it is kept airtight or not, it creates unwanted rotting. Here starts the duty of log drying kilns.
Kilns completely dry logs. Moisture level in logs drops at level zero in kilns. This drying process minimizes the damage level.
Advantages of log drying kilns:
The purpose of wet or green woods is nothing. They are not useful for making any material. For instance, building materials, furniture and wooden products, all are made with dried woods. Greenwoods are fragile. They are easily twisted, they can shrink and cracks in them are visible. Wet woods are not good for any type of woodworking.
Logs hollow cellular structure makes it accessible for them to absorb moisture from anything. Log drying kilns take this moisture out and make logs hard to crack. After drying, it’s hard for woods to reabsorb the moisture. Later they can be cut and molded into different types of shapes. Lumbers and manufacturers use a big amount of money every year on these kilns.
Logs and moisture have a friendly relationship. Log drying kilns work as a barrier between them. The timber business blindly trusts in log drying kilns. However, without kilns logs are not usable at all.
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