Where To Buy CBD Oil Near You Legally In The United States
Before you look for where to buy CBD oil in Denver, you need to find out if it’s legal to buy it in your state in the first place. It has been two years since the 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp-derived products but there still seems to be a lot of confusion about the legality of cannabidiol (CBD) products. While most states have legalized CBD extracted from the hemp plant as long as it contains no more than 0.3 percent tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), they are still illegal in a few states.
There also seems to be some confusion between hemp and marijuana-derived cannabidiol. After all, hemp and marijuna are two strains of the same species and CBD produced from them is identical at a molecular level. Moreover, while the national law prohibits marijuana and its products, many states have already legalized marijuana-derived CBD, some exclusively for medical purposes and others for recreational purposes as well.
So if you want to avoid any lawsuits, you need to know which product can be bought where legally.
States Where Hemp CBD Oil Is Illegal
Since hemp-derived products are legal in most states and the capital, it’s easier to talk about the three states where it’s illegal at the present:
1) Idaho
Idaho is one of the three states that ban cannabidiol derived from hemp and marijuana alike for any purpose despite the 2018 Farm Bill legalizing it. It’s because the state law defines all parts of the cannabis plants as marijuana, regardless of the species. The only exception to this rule is the FDA-approved Epidiolex for treating extreme forms of epilepsy in children with the proper prescription.
2) Nebraska
Nebraska has an industrial hemp pilot program but it restricts cannabis in all forms and includes hemp-derived cannabidiol in marijuana’s definition under its Uniform Controlled Substances Act. In 2015, the state passed a bill to study the substance under the state Medical Cannabidiol Study Pilot Study which ended in 2019. Under the bill, patients could be prescribed CBD to treat intractable epilepsy as long as they were part of the program. But now, the state only allows the prescription of FDA-approved CBD medicine and the FDA has yet to approve cannabidiol products other than Epidiolex.
3) South Dakota
This may not be true soon enough if the bill legalizing hemp-derived CBD oil passes in the State Legislature scheduled in 2020 but as of now, the state only approves FDA-approved cannabidiol medication. It has removed cannabidiol from the definition of marijuana. It also removed the compound from Schedule I Controlled Substances and placed it under Schedule IV, which still criminalizes it though the state Health and Human Services Committee passed an amendment in January 2019 which legalizes the possession of cannabidiol derived from hemp. The state also lacks an industrial hemp pilot program. These factors put the substance in a legal gray zone in the state.
These are the three states that ban cannabidiol derived from the hemp plant. As long as you aren’t in these states, you can purchase and use CBD products legally. So feel free to search where to buy CBD oil in Denver.
What About CBD Derived From Marijuana?
The federal law prohibits cannabidiol derived from marijuana because while marijuana and hemp are strains of the same plant, they contain varying amounts of THC that is responsible for intoxication. Marijuana contains thirty percent THC while hemp contains only 0.3 percent.
State-wise, it is completely illegal in Wisconsin, South Dakota, Nebraska, Idaho, Wyoming, Kansas, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina and Mississippi, while it is completely legal in California, Colorado, Maine, Masuchettes, Nevada, Vermont, Michigan, Oregon, Washington and Alaska. In Washington DC, it’s legal for medical and recreational purposes but is banned for commercial sale and from federal lands. The rest of the states legalize it for medical purposes.
It’s safer to buy hemp-derived CBD products than marijuana-derived ones because the former is legal in almost all states while the latter is still illegal under national law.
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