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Do Tyres Cause MOT Test Failure?

Do Tyres Cause MOT Test Failure?

The answer is ‘Yes’. Most of the vehicles are known for failing the test when they appear for the first time and it is open because of a problem in tyres. 10% of MOT failure is because of problems in tyres. It is shocking to believe because it is one of the most exposed parts of the vehicle and anybody can make sure to keep them fit. Another question to answer is whether the failure is due to only damaged tyres or worn tyres. Find out the major reasons for failure in the certification of MOT Mansfield drivers experienced.

Tyre Treads Get Worn

Wearing of the tyre treads after 3 years is not unexpected. You must check your tyre’s tread depth after every 6 months. If the treads of the tyre are not proper, the grip of the tyre on the road will not be up to the mark. As the MOT test is to ensure the safety of the vehicle while driving, how can your vehicle pass the test if it cannot have a proper grip? There would be chances of accidents. The depth of the thread must be more than 1.6mm. If it is lesser than that, appearing in the test again would be mandatory. While buying a vehicle, make up your mind for the replacement of the tyres as suggested by the retailer of the vehicle. Certain things must not depend on the price, especially if it is related to the safety of your life. You can also maintain the depth of the treads by taking care of proper tyre pressure.

Cuts And Bulges On Tyre Walls

If the sidewalls of the tyre are not perfectly all right, it creates risk for the vehicle. Any kind of bubbles, tears or nick in the sidewalls only signal towards tyre damage. It is easy to find out with the naked eye. Please set the reminders for checking them frequently to avoid major loss of property or money. You must also make sure the tyre remains clean so that you can find out any problem. The mud on the vehicle is capable of hiding a cut or a bulge. Avoiding rash driving can also help in maintaining the proper shape of the sidewalls because it will not let it come under heavy inertial forces during driving and sudden braking of your vehicle. TNT Service Center provides you with the best resolution for cuts, bulges, and even punctures.

Tyre Punctures

There are some world-leading brands that are providing tyres with amazing performance capability. They can perform even after a puncture. What you need to understand is that this extra feature is added by the tyre manufacturers to help you in emergencies. You should not be ignorant about tyre puncture and take it for the MOT test. If you do, your vehicle is surely going to fail MOT Mansfield. It can be easily understood if the vehicle is not picking proper speeds or you sense the tyres to be a little loose. Unless you are absolutely confident about the condition of your vehicle, avoid going for the MOT Test.

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Sumit DasSumit Das
Joined: January 25th, 2020
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