Basic knowledge of 11 plus exam preparationBasically, secondary public schools are divided into two groups - selective schools and non-selective (comprehensive) schools. To enter selective schools you must pass the entrance exams 11+. Enrollment in a non-selective school is determined by the place of residence. This means that the closer the residence to the school, the greater the chance of getting into it.
Eleven plus or 11+ (eleven-plus) is an exam conducted in England and Northern Ireland in the final year of elementary school. Based on its results, admission to selective English schools is determined, both in state selective and in private. The name 11+ comes from the age group of children passing this 11 Plus Online Test.

11+ was first introduced in 1944 and was once used for admission to all schools in England and Wales. Now, however, it is used only in those counties and areas in England where there are selective schools.
The 11 Plus Test assesses the student’s abilities in such subjects as mathematics, English, verbal reasoning (verbal logic) and non-verbal reasoning (non-verbal logic). Initially, the exam was conceived as a kind of IQ test, but with the additional idea of testing knowledge in the school curriculum and demonstrating the propensities to study.
11+ in public elementary schools in England Most state selective schools conduct the 11 Plus exam in September and give results in October. Each county has its own requirements for exams and results.
Download 11 Plus Practice Papers to get more detail about this exam.
11+ in private elementary schools in England
In private schools, the requirements for 11+ exams vary by school. For example, for admission to St Paul's Girls' School, you will need to take 3 exams (mathematics, English and another exam covering several different subjects). Most other girls and co-educational schools have only two.
To enter the school, you need to pass a selective Eleven plus exam consisting of mathematics, English, verbal and non-verbal logic. The Eleven Plus test is taken by children when they are just starting to study in Year 6. Many parents dream so much that their child will go to school, that preparation for it begins in two or three years - they hire private tutors (tutor) or send children to special courses. All schools strongly recommend not doing this, because very often children trained in this way cannot continue to cope with the school curriculum and find them lagging behind, quickly losing interest in learning. Of course, it is a personal right of each parent to invite a tutor to a child or not. But not every parent has the financial ability to pay for tutors (usually cost £ 30-50 / hour). If you want to help your child prepare for the 11+ entrance exams, there are many additional materials for self-study. Student can use 11 Plus Exam Papers to pass this test.
Schools do not want to recruit “trained” children; they strive to find the best of the best and give such children the opportunity to develop their potential.
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