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Mark Roemer Discusses Some Positive Things That Might Come Out of Coronavirus



You may view the glass as half full or half empty depending on your mindset. To be able to view a silver lining in every dark cloud is what separates the optimists from normal people. To overcome this tough time, try to think of all the good things that you have learned or experienced in this ongoing Novel Coronavirus pandemic and the consequent lockdown in most parts of the globe. Mark Roemer discusses some positive things that might come out of Coronavirus.

The Positives

1. Low pollution level- The world has never witnessed a pollution level lower than the current status. The sky seems much clearer and the smog we are used to so much has vanished for now. Factories that discharge smoke and toxic waste have been shut down due to the lockdown put in place in most parts of the world to curb the Novel Coronavirus pandemic. There is no traffic on the road, and everything looks so much cleaner and refreshing.

2. The power of Nature- We have all given the much-needed space and time to Mother Nature to let it heal itself. The undue pressure on the natural resources to satiate our greedy needs had almost depleted the planet of its sustainable resources. The annoying honking noises and sound of airplanes are now replaced with the chirping of birds and the rattling of leaves. It is a moment of pause for us all to introspect the heinous crime we are all responsible for weaning the true beauty of nature.

3. Social responsibility- In the otherwise busy lifestyle we are used to, there would be no time to think about others and their problems. In the wake of this unforeseen situation, we are suddenly aware of our social responsibilities. To care for the elderly and the poor, to do our bit to safeguard others by distributing sanitizers and masks, we are all up to it with a ready-to-help mindset. We are collectively praying and offering gratitude to everyone around us.

4. Health is the real wealth- In our race to more success and more money, we have somehow forgotten that health is the real wealth. The first teachings of life have evaded us in our bid to fare better than others in our work life. Prevention is better than cure and we have finally realized the worth of this teaching. We have become self-conscious about hygiene and cleanliness more than ever.

5. Family time- The quality and quantity of time we are spending with our family without being distracted by any work commitments have increased for many people. We know the joy of togetherness more than ever and the fun of those mindless gossips and laughter. The love and bonding of family is our greatest asset and we are all utilizing it to the fullest.


Mark Roemer believes that this pandemic has allowed us to realize the things that truly matter to us individually and to the whole human race. Whether you are doing something to help others or finding time to pursue your long-forgotten hobby, you are living your life your way.

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Susan CaliforniaSusan California
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Joined: March 17th, 2019
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