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Guide to choose the right plumbing fittings

Every house needs a different plumbing material. And the plumbing fittings should not only be well fitted by the professional plumbers but secured too. This will save you from facing any problems in future. Nowadays, there are endless options in the market from PVC to brass pipes. But you have to decide which one is perfectly suited for your house.

For every house or a commercial place, there are few factors to consider, before picking up the right plumbing pipe fittings etc. Factors like – water pressure, corrosion, soil and pipe characteristics, flow and sunlight. Metal pipes have become quite outdated and plastic options are the latest and they work well for many homes.

Here are top factors to keep in mind when buying plumbing materials and fitting:

  • Plumbing use

To find the correct plumbing pipe fittingsthe amount of water pressure you need is an important determinant for every property. If you are looking for plumbing system in a commercial space, you have to seek high water pressure.

In order to maintain high pressure of water, a pipe needs to be durable and wide enough to sustain good force. Plastic pipes are generally the perfect option in such cases as they are specially designed for this.

  • Water type

The water flowing through your pipes can be corrosive, depending on where you live. Corrosive water slowly dissolves materials that come into contact.  This type of water is problematic, as you will never want your pipes to degrade just in few years after their installation.

According to experts, corrosive water not just corrodes metal and copper pipes. It even dissolves lead and copper in water supply, which can impose health concerns, giving rise to acidity.

  • Soli characteristics

The composition of the kind of soil surrounding your pipes, soil pipe fittings and plumbing valves has significant effects on their durability. Soil with more moisture, abrasive materials and rocks will eventually be degrading your pipes.

Therefore, it is important to find out the chemical composition of the soil. At times, soil having excess minerals might create a reaction, whenever it comes in contact with some pipe materials.

  • Exposure to sunlight

Sun rays have a similar kind of effect on pipes as it has on our skin. Over the time, ultraviolet (UV) rays deteriorate the quality of plastic pipes, making them more venerable to several issues and thus decreasing their lifespan.

Excess sunlight exposure can cause problems which are related to fluctuating temperature. PVC pipes are not meant to carry hot water, therefore, so it is not advisable to get them installed in places which reach high temperatures naturally. To deal with this, many plumbers are using insulated push fit plumbing materials to prevent temperature changes affecting pipe quality.

Therefore, in order to choose the right plumbing fittings, you should not only carefully consider the above factors but should even take help from professional plumbing experts. On Demand Supplies in UK, is one of the best suppliers for all types of plumbing products from plumbing fittingssoil pipe fittings to soffit vent and stopcock.

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