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How to Choose the Best Whistleblower Lawyer

How to Choose the Best Whistleblower Lawyer

Choosing the Best Whistleblower Attorney Can Help You Win Your Case.

Choosing to blow the whistle on your employer should never be taken lightly. As a whistleblower, you want to protect yourself from harm. You also want to protect the rights of your coworkers and clients. You need a Whistleblower Lawyer Philadelphia who can help you exercise your rights as a whistleblower while protecting your interests.

Follow these 5 tips to help you choose the best whistleblower lawyer for your case.

  1. Create a Query Regarding Your Local Attorneys

Start the process of choosing your lawyer by researching local attorneys. Start with the internet and look for local whistleblower attorneys. This search query can reduce the number of local lawyers available to those that actually claim to have whistleblower expertise.

  1. Look for Case Studies

Once you have narrowed down your list of attorneys, it is time to take a deeper dive into their abilities. First, look at the cases listed on the lawyer’s website. Are those cases whistleblower cases?  Was the lawyer a lead attorney on the case?

Many lawyers will say they handle whistleblower cases, but few will be able to truly show evidence to support this claim. Look for the evidence.

  1. Examine The Success Rates

Lawyers will publicly boast about their success rates. If they win cases, they want people to know. Whistleblower lawyers are no different. They will let people know, through website posts and news articles, when they win a whistleblower case.

This information is essential to you because it helps you determine who you want on your team. Whistleblower attorneys with a high success rate can help you win your case.

  1. Check Attorney Review Sites

Once you see the lawyer's success rates, it is time to see how they rate on review sites. Sites like AVVO and allow clients to rate and review lawyers and their services. Those with higher ratings often appear higher on the list.

As with any review site, clients will often be much more honest about their attorney experience than the attorney or even the success rates may appear. When a client raves about a lawyer and takes the time to write a positive review about that lawyer or law firm, you need to pay attention. 

  1. Interview Your Final Choices

Once you have narrowed down the potential whistleblower lawyers to four or five options, interview the attorneys to see if you would make a good team. Personalities matter. Moreover, the approach can make a significant difference. 

Call the lawyers you think may offer superior whistleblower protection and representation. Develop a list of interview questions to determine if they are as good as they look on paper. Do not be afraid to walk away if you find the attorney is not a good fit for you or your case.

Many whistleblower lawyers offer a free consultation. If you find one or two lawyers that feel like a perfect match, schedule your free consultation.

Meeting with an attorney in person can help you determine if you can work well together. You may like the lawyer’s approach to your case. You may find the lawyer is afraid to take risks.

The number one piece of advice is that you need to be willing to go back to the drawing board. You may not have found the right match this time, but you will. The best attorney for your whistleblower case is out there.

The Experienced Whistleblower Lawyers at the Derek Smith Law Group Are Ready to Help.

As you continue to prepare for your whistleblower lawsuit, you must have a qualified attorney on your team. The dedicated whistleblower attorneys at the Derek Smith Law Group in New York City, Philadelphia, Miami, Los Angeles, and New Jersey can help.

Contact us today at (800) 807-2209 for your free consultation. We do not collect any fees until you win your case.

About This Author

Jackey PaualJackey Paual
Joined: December 14th, 2019
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