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10 Ways To Learn Kotlin For Android Developers Effectively

At the start, things were relatively complicated, but these days, with the latest versions of Kotlin (at the time of writing this the version is 0.12) the idea is more grown-up. Kotlin is now an official language on Android. It’s significant, brief, and powerful. Best of all, it’s reciprocally with our existing Android languages and runtime.

Android Announces Support for Kotlin

Android team is eager to declare that we are officially adding up support for the Kotlin programming language. Kotlin is a brilliantly considered, mature language that we think will make Android development faster and more fun. It has already been adopting by several main developers — Expedia, Flipboard, Pinterest, Square, and others — for their production apps.

Say “Hello” to Kotlin

Kotlin will be very familiar to anyone who has used the Java programming language.

At first look, you will see kindly elements like curly braces, classes, packages, functions and methods. But as you go deeper, you will discover that although Kotlin is based on well-known concepts, it is an exceptionally modern, elegant and practical riff on those models.

Kotlin is highly easy-to-read

In particular, Kotlin is highly easy-to-read with minimum syntactic resistance between your thoughts and what you have to type in order to express those thoughts.

Create a new project with Kotlin:–

Using Kotlin with a new project requires just one extra click in the New Project wizard:

1. In Android Studio, click File > New > New Project. Or if you’ve just opened Android Studio and see the Welcome to Android Studio window, click Start a new Android Studio project.

Add Kotlin to an existing project

If you want to insert Kotlin code to an existing project, simply click File > New and select one of the different Android templates. If you don’t see the list of templates in this menu, first open the Project window and select your app module.

Implementing a simple class

For example, possibly you have asked why you need to type in a bunch of boilerplate getters and setters as well as overriding equals(), hashCode() and toString() when implementing a simple class.


Kotlin has been around for moderately a while; it was announced back in 2011 and the first preview was released in 2012. Kotlin 1.0 was released in 2016, at which point JetBrains committed to maintaining backwards compatibility for stable features from 1.0 forward.

Why Kotlin?

Why did the Android team make a decision to support Kotlin? Most significantly, it was because we think Kotlin is a great language that will make writing Android apps easier and more enjoyable. Kotlin is also a great match for the existing Android ecosystem. It is 100% well-matched with the Java programming language.

With Kotlin for Android Developers you’ll learn:

How to create an Android app from scratch using Kotlin. All the basics you need to create an app. :-

• Download Android Studio 3.0

• Open one of your existing “.java” files

• Invoke “Code > Convert Java File to Kotlin File”

• How apply the tongue to Android. Exclusive description for Android and interface with the framework. :- The app will automatically detect your device’s language settings and use that language as a default.

A Quick Tour

To help you get a logic of where all of the anticipation around Kotlin is coming from, here is a quick, very-much-not-complete tour of some of the particularly appealing aspects of Kotlin.

1. Nullable

2. Named parameters and default arguments

3. Smart Casts

4. Extension functions

5. Destructuring Declarations

6. Lambdas

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Joined: April 16th, 2020
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