Best Free Streaming Sites10 Best Free Movie Streaming Sites to Watch Movies
For those who want to stream contents in High Definition (HD) quality, just visit 123Movies. This website provides the visitors with 720p and 1080p quality. TV series and shows are also available on this web.
It is 100% easy to use, and you can browse for any movies for free. It has neat directory and everything is sorted by genres and titles. You can also search movies by the release date as well as rating and reviews.

Another top choice among movie lovers, 5Movies has the best collection of award-winning movies from around the world. Movies are uploaded on the website just within a month after it is released online or in the theaters. This free movie streaming website has a special section called Featured where you can watch the most popular movies of 2019. If you love movies, this is the website you should be visiting.

Even though this streaming website is for free, BMovies is quite amazing when it comes to ads. They do not show too many ads.
Well, since the ads are less, you can enjoy the streaming with ease without too many pauses. The movies can be streamed in 1080p or HD quality. Almost all genres are available on this web, from drama to Sci-Fi.
You do not have to pay for anything to watch the contents on BMovies. All you need to prepare is reliable internet connection, so you do not have to encounter buffering over and over again.

FMovies doesn’t have the largest catalog compared to some of the other sites on this list, but it’s a solid choice for finding exciting new movies and TV series.
In particular, FMovies offers some great hidden gems in unique categories. The catalog includes a number of interesting documentaries, which can be harder to find on some free streaming sites.
It also features an attractive web design and decent options for sorting through content. The homepage is focused on a search bar, but you can also switch to the browsing view to sort by categories or IMDb ratings.

GoMovies is a new streaming website but growing its popularity gradually. It is a free website that offers great streaming services that most other websites demand payment for. Despite the free streaming service, this website does not hit you unnecessarily with pop-ups and ads while you're enjoying your favorite movie.
It has a database of thousands of movies and TV series in different genres. Action, Drama, Comedy, Mystery etc are genres you will love to see on the website. It also features a search button that allows users to search and pick their favourite movies. One other feature you may not find elsewhere but on GoMovies is the that it tells you everything you need to know about every movie you select to see.
It displays the storyline, the country where the movie was produced and rating on IMBD. GoMovies does not require you sign up to enjoy your streaming experience. All you need is a strong data connection and constant constant electricity. You'll definitely enjoy the experience, give it a try today.

One of the most popular free movie streaming sites is Putlocker. You have an unlimited access to the website. It's very easy to operate and navigate through the website. It has a search button to launch you to your favourite movie at a single touch.
There are thousands of movies on Putlocker to keep you busy at leisure or when you finally take a break from work. You don't have to sign up on Putlocker to enjoy videos. There are a lot of trendy, popular and latest movies on the website. You can also enjoy wide range of TV series on Putlocker without having to pay a dime or register. Just make sure you have enough data stuck in your device, you can watch movies on the website for 24 hours non-stop.

SolarMovie is another excellent free streaming site that offers a large variety of movies and TV shows from which to choose.
This site’s biggest highlight is its great collection of international content. You’ll find hundreds of pages of international shows and movies in their original language. Most foreign language content is available with subtitles.
When you’re browsing, you can sort results by date added, rating, release date, and more. The homepage also features the latest trending content to get you started. SolarMovie also has a functional search bar to help you find what you’re looking for.

XMovies8 is a popular streaming website with excellent features. You can enjoy Horror, Action, Romance and Drama genres of movies on PopcirnFlix without paying a dime. In addition to this, you don't have to sign-up on the website before you stream your favourite movie. XMovies8 has a great interface and you can access the website via almost all kinds of devices.

YesMovies has a lot of ads but it collects a large number of popular TV series and movies. Episodes of the ongoing TV series are uploaded in less than 24 hours on the website. All prints have at least 720p resolution, so you enjoy your movies and TV series. YesMovies has neatly divided its collection according to the genres, which makes it easy to pick a new series or movie.

Yify TV is one of the best free movie websites to watch free movies online without downloading. To watch movies here at Yify TV you not need to signup or register all you have to find your favorite movies and stream them for free. Not only Movies Yify TV also have Tv shows, Anime and cartoons to watch. This is a ads free site so you not need to worry about being irritated by ads during watching movies. This is a safe free movie stream site to stream new movies online for free.

Top 3 Best Sites to Stream Anime Movies Online Free
9Anime is one of the most popular and interesting anime streaming sites. Similar to other anime streaming websites, it lets you stream your favorite anime shows and series online. It also provides some basic information about the program you want to stream.
The best part of this website is that you can also make friends through this website. 9Anime gives you the opportunity to join the community and follow other users who have the same interest.

GoGoAnime is one of the best anime websites. It provides a lot of cool animations in thumbnail view and arranges the latest anime on the homepage. At the top of the homepage, users can choose their favorite anime category.
Navigate to the anime list on the site and you’ll see videos organized by category. Clicking on the anime name in the menu will take you to the video page. However, you cannot change video resolution on the playback window and ads may pop up at any time.

If you’re an addicted anime or manga lover, this is just your website. On the KissAnime website, you are presented with the best hand-picked, classy movies that are more than exciting to watch. Nevertheless, you will still see so many anime movies on this website. But for when your favorite anime is not on the homepage, use the search option to dig it out.
There is never a time you won’t meet ongoing stories/movies on this site; therefore, you need to bookmark it and follow-up for endless entertainment on the movies you love.

Best Website to Watch Korean Drama Online for Free
This website is one of the best in terms of free online Korean drama content among other sites. The website has a steady and natural interface that is easy to use and understand. The drama collection on this website is notably higher than other similar websites. Although the site has numerous Korean drama ranging from old-school to new releases it does not compromise on the quality of the content. The subtitles in the site is updated almost instantly and with good quality. This site is available in most of the countries across the globe and is free to watch without any sign-in required. This legal site is one of the most recommended ones among other Korean websites if you want to see any olden-golds.
