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All You Need To Know About: GDPR


The right to privacy is a decidedly developed act in European expanse.

The general data protection regulation or simply GDPR is a regulation in European law on individual data protection and privacy within the European union area and economic area. It was approved by European parliament on 14th April 2016 and enforced on 25th May 2018.

GDPR aims primarily to give control to entity’s over their personal data. GDPR suspended the Data protection directive. Data protection directive stated the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

The protocols apply on the data controller (an organization that collects data from EU residents) or processor (an organization that processes data on behalf of a data controller) and 0n the data subject (person). The regulation also applies to the organizations based outside the EU if they try to process data of individually located inside the EU.


A data controller is the one who defines how and why the data needs to be processed. He does not necessarily carry out this activity but appoints a third party to do it. They might contract a third party and tell them- How the data needs to be processed and for what purpose.

A data processor is the above mentioned third party who performs the actual data collection and processing.


Public concerns over privacy is the main reason behind the GDPR existence.

According to the European Commission, Personal data can be anything from a person name, address, a photo, an email address or a computer IP address.

And its person’s choice whether or not to share it with anyone.

To protect the public of EU by giving them access to know what information organisation have on them.

In essence, it seeks to bring more transparency to people about what data organisations collect, and what those organisations use it for, as well as enabling people to prevent unnecessary data collection.

If you are interested in building a secure website for users, we can assist you with that.


GDPR states that the data should be processed lawfully and only for specific purpose.

The data processed should be transparent. I.e. data object should be aware of the data processed and how it is being processed, while that process must stand by GDPR rules.

To make your website according to the appropriate acts, contact Info Stans. We will assist you to develop a website according to GDPR. You Imagine and we make sure to bring it into reality!

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info Stansinfo Stans
Joined: April 16th, 2020
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