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10 Safety Instructions Before Tour To South Korea

Wanderlust does not keep the travelers to stay at home for a longer time. Choose South Korea this time because South Korea is also entering in the grooming countries and tourist spots to explore offering with the complete tourist facilities, including, well infrastructure, affordable entry fee for visiting or historical sights, accommodation opportunity to the overseas visitors and many others along with the friendly nature nation.

However, many travelers face mishaps during their travel to a foreign land. If you are worried about such accidents or have already gone through them, you should follow certain measures before traveling. Following is the list of safety instructions before your tour to like South Korea.


When you ask about the weather, the, feel pleasure in describing that the climate or weather in the South Korea is very pleasant and charming. The winter season is long in this country, while the summer comes for less duration. Fascinating weather magnetizing tourists and allow them to explore country under the wonderful temperature.

Trust worthy cabs and travel agencies:

Before entering South Korea, you should seek for a trustworthy travel agency that facilitates you with the Cheap Airline Tickets. You would not be worried about anything. Though there are many travel agencies present in every country, choose wisely your travel partner. Lookout for the travel history of the particular agency and check it travel license. You can also select your travel agency, which are recommended by the official government of South Korea. So, there would be no chance for fraud.

Likewise, when you step into the country do not travel in each and every cab. Trust only company's cab. However, if you are slipped in such a situation, keep a sharp eye upon the driver and its behavior.

Travel insurance:

Get yourself insured before traveling to travel to any place. Just like work and life insurance, you can also get handy travel insurance. So, if you get any kind of mishap in the overseas place, you could be helped out.

Instructions against Covid-19:

Though, travel policies have become lenient, do not keep health security on stake. Keep using masks, sanitizers and social distancing as your weapon against COVID-19. Following SOPs would not only let you fight against pandemic, but also would save you from viral infections and pollution. It would be appreciated, if you would prefer Emirates Booking or Qatar Airline reservation because both are one of the strictly follow SOPs; check in a hotel which is a SOPs follower. Also wherever you go, try to visit better hygienic places.

Pack your safety in bags:

Many people forget to keep necessary items in their bags for their safety. When they are traveling, an accident may strike them. So, for that, you should have all items of first aid. Likewise, you should keep a power bank in his or her bag. Also, some extra bucks of money in any other place rather your bag. So, if your bag is stolen, you still have the money to go home. Keep your diary for important numbers and addresses. Do not keep each and everything in your phone.

Hotels and residence:

If you are traveling in South Korea, You would definitely be looking for a cozy residential area .However, if you are traveling in affiliation with a travel agency, you just do not need to worry. Their packages include Online Hotel Reservation. In case, you are traveling alone, you should check certain things before checking in. There are many small and large hotels in the country for the service of tourist. So, take the advice of natives for the selection of hotels, when you enter in the room check for any kind of hidden camera or speaker, so, your privacy can remain undisturbed.

Keep Road maps and telephone numbers:

Do not trust each and every person you find helpful. In fact, help your own self. Keep a great number of road Maps GPS systems etc. Before landing, you should be aware of certain things; road structure, police stations, hotels and famous places. So, you will not be need of asking anybody else. If you are still not satisfied, you should take the help of a guide who belongs to a trustworthy company and is proficient in his tasks. Also, the most important thing is, to remain in contact with your embassy.

Pocket Safety:

While traveling in South Korea, be aware of theft and pick pocketing. For this purpose, take several precautions. If you are traveling alone, carry big strapped-bags. So, it would be hard for pickpockets to snatch it from you. However, if you are traveling in groups try to walk in crowded streets hand in hand. Also, keep your main things in your inside pockets. Moreover, do not carry all your money in one pocket. Keep them in different places. Many tourists when traveling in South Korea do not take care about the quantity of items. Count your possessions after coming back to your residence or after getting out of a crowded place. Do not trust any stranger he tried to become cozy for no reason.

Stay away from Scammers:

Every country has its own scams and every land has its own scammers. Update yourself from the particular scams, you may find in the South Korea. There could be pickpockets, scammers or con artists. Though, the police in South Korea keep such people away. It is completely safe to travel in South Korea but still you have to remain sure that no one could scam you. For this, you should act like a local of South Korea. Do not show off your precious possessions such as money camera debit cards and a septra keep them in your back until it is necessary! Likewise, do not give extra tips to the waiter and hotel staff this would make them suspicious about your money and possessions.

Language Learning:

Knowing a language in a foreign land can be a blessing for your entire visit. First of all, if you know the language you would be better in a position to communicate with the natives for any purpose. Moreover, scammers do not come in contact with such people who know the language and the ethical code of the locality. It is really hard for them to fool you who already know about their things. Likewise, many tourists, you find it very difficult to understand the roads are signals and to contact the local authorities just in case of any issue. Knowing a language, would keep you away from such worries.

Follow the Dress code:

Try wearing identical dresses which just makes native and try to like the one. In this way, you will not only save yourself from scammers but it will also feel the real sense of South Korean culture.

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Faremakers is Pakistan's No.1 online travel company.
Joined: September 16th, 2019
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