All You Need to Know about Hepatitis BHepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the HBV or hepatitis B virus. The condition can be chronic and sometimes, it may cause cirrhosis and liver cancer. The hepatitis B virus can cause inflammation and infection of the liver. The virus can get transmitted to others through blood, semen, and other body fluid. It is because sometimes people infected with this virus do not find signs and symptoms. Since most people only experience the initial infection, which gets resolved with time, for some people, the condition may turn chronic. In such cases, the hepatitis B virus continues to affect the liver for years without getting detected, resulting in permanent liver damage. The hepatitis b test is prescribed by doctors to detect this virus in individuals.

Most HBV infections happen during childhood. It is due to the reason when a mother passes the virus to her infant during childbirth. However, it is very difficult for doctors to diagnose HBV in infants since there are a few visible symptoms. The signs and symptoms of the recent HBV infection may not be clear in kids under 5 years or in adults having a suppressed immune system. An individual having a chronic HBV infection may experience constant aching joints, persistent fatigue, and abdominal pain.
The virus of hepatitis B is transmittable when semen, blood, and other bodily fluid from an individual with HBV enter the body of a person who does not have it. The virus gets transmitted in the following cases.
- During sexual activity
- Practicing unprotected tattoo techniques
- When a woman suffering from HBV gives birth
- Sharing personal hygiene items including razors and toothbrushes
- Sharing syringes, needles, and other drug injection devices
If a person experiences the signs, the doctor may prescribe for a test to assess their liver for damage. The HBsAg test can aid them to diagnose the infection.
One can avoid HBV infections in the following ways:
- By wearing the right cautionary equipment while working in healthcare settings
- Following safe sexual practices
- Cleaning any blood spills using gloved hands
- Not sharing needles and personal items
Now that it is clear what HBV infection is, how it gets transmitted, and what it can do if left untreated, it is important for individuals to get in touch with the doctor even at the slightest hint of it.
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