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How Can You Save Your Eyes From Computer Screen?

How Can You Save Your Eyes From Computer Screen?


These days you can find people seeing the screens all the time. Whether you talk about long work hours, school assignments, college projects, movies, entertainment, or anything else you can find everyone into their screens. Sometimes, it gets impossible to avoid your computer screen. You need to sit in front of it for hours and sometimes even the nights. Of course, many of you might be burning the midnight oil!

Well, there are myriad of things that you can do to ensure that your eyes are safe and effective. You can ensure that the damage from the screen rays is least to your eyes.

Come on, everyone has a different way of using a computer and that is the fact. But fortunately, there are ways that you can ensure that your computer screen is not really an enemy for your eyes. This post is going to help you with some important points to follow.

Darken Your Computer Screen Backgrounds

It is not always possible but sometimes, you can do this. There are many applications and software that allow you do choose the dark mode. You can ensure that you have dark background or graycolour of the screen.

In this way, you can ensure that the rays coming from your laptop or computer screen is not too sharp or piercing. Of course, you can even set a dark and smooth wallpaper as your desktop screen. In this way, you can be sure that your screen is not a trouble for you.

The point is you are going to find a great difference between your past interaction with your computer screen and the aftermath of doing this dark and gray thing. After all, the white backgrounds of the screen do hit your eye hard. They are a lot brighter and shining than the darker and grey shades. You must do this thing if you have not done it yet.

Don’t’ Skip Blinking Your Eyes

It has been seen that many people keep on watching or seeing at the screen continuously for minutes and without even blinking their eyes. Such a thing is harmful and injurious to eyes. Sometimes, your screens keep you so much indulged in the tasks you are doing, you forget to blink your eyes.

You know what, when you do not blink your eyes for long, you simply make your eyes to dry. Such a thing harms your eyes extensively. The rays of the screen already make your eyes dry and the added thing is of absence of blinks for long periods. Make it a point of blink your eyes every five to ten seconds. You cannot simply strain your eyes like that.

Get Yourself a Pair of Glasses

You must not live in the times wherein people used to think that wearing glasses or specs is a negative or problematic thing. Come on, just because you are wearing the glasses, it does not mean that you have low vision or eyes issues. You must wear the specs at the time of sitting in front of the screens. Make sure that you do your work and watch a movie with your anti-glare specs. More and more people are wearing these specs to ensure that their eyes are not getting damaged by the screen rays.

You can find cool looking and stylish specs too that make your face look cute and lovely. Of course, sometimes, you can make the simple look stunning with your creative choices. There are many types of specs that are made specifically for computer use. Make sure that you own one pair.

Don’t Use Computer ScreenWhen the Lights are Off

You might have experienced it yourself that the screens look too bright and sharp when they are on in the darkness. When you turn off the lights of your room and do the computer, you would find a great level of rays coming out of your screens.

They would have a double impact on your eyes than normal and hence, you would double damage your eyes.  It is a big no to using your computer or even phone screens when the lights are off. You are not doing any good by using the screens during the night.


So, since you know so much about the things that you can do to protect your eyes from the screen rays, make sure that you go for them.

About Author: Paramjit Singh is an online fitness coach in India for parambodyfitmind and a certified nutritionist who has helped transform hundreds of clients through scientific training and nutrition programs also a health and fitness blogger.

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Paramjit SinghParamjit Singh
Joined: July 17th, 2020
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