7 Home Remedies For Ear Infections To End Infection Now!
My dear reader, I sense that I should engrave this writing by asking you if you have ever undergone the unendurable twinge of an ear infection? If yes, you ought to be spellbound to home remedies for ear infection. Learn to use natural remedies as they can’t just ease symptoms, but help the body heal.
7 Home Remedies for Ear Infection to end infection now
Goldenseal: It is a great herbal remedy for this infection. It is rich in berberine, a natural antibiotic. To use this for ears, just add one teaspoon of dried goldenseal to a cup of boiled water and let it steep for ten minutes.
Onions: Get out the earmuffs. Heat a half an onion until it is warm, not too hot and wrap it in some thin cotton, an old tee shirt will do. Place it on the ear and use the muffins to hold in place. The chemicals in the onions will increase circulation to the ear and flush away the bacteria and other toxins.
Epsom Salt: Since blood and bacteria stagnate in areas of infection, one natural cure for ear conditions is to heat a basin of water and place a cup of Epsom salt into it and have yourself a good foot soak. This will not only relax you but will get your blood and other fluid moving to draw out infection and the epsom salt will draw out toxins through your skin.
Saint-Johns-wort: Saint-Johns-wort is not just for depression but is one of the great home remedies for ear infection used by those who know. Warm a few drops of this oil, ( not too hot, just warm), and place into the infected ear. Use a cotton ball to keep the oil from running out. You should do this once a day for up to 4 days.
Vitamin C: Take 1000 milligrams of vitamin C for ear infection as this powerful antioxidant aids healing.
Strawberries and Plums: For children who have recurring ear infections one of the best home remedies for ear infection is to have your children start eating more strawberries and plums. These two fruits have a special kind of sugar that in clinical studies, has been found to reduce ear infections in children by 35 - 40 percent.
Umeboshi: For adults, it is suggested that you take one umeboshi a day. This plum is pickled and has a sour and salty taste but is well known to aid digestion and for ear infections and other illnesses caused by bacteria is a powerful anti-bacterial.
The author is not a Doctor and has no medical training. Always consult your health care professional before using these or any home remedies or natural cures.
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