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New Features of FIFA 21's Career Mode

EA fully revealed FIFA 21's Career Mode, and it seems that Football Manager was a clear inspiration.

After the disastrous start of FIFA 20's career mode, EA Sports added a number of new features for this year's version, including an interactive gameplay simulator in the style of a football manager. With this interactive game simulator, you can switch between the standard FIFA game view and this new sim view at will.

This means that you can go up and down in Career mode matches to control key moments like penalties and free kicks. They monitor game data and make changes directly from the Sim based on game stats and their players' performance and stamina levels. Of course, it's not as detailed as Football Manager's Match Sim, but it definitely looks inspired by it.

"We worked with the gaming team to create an amazing new feature that bridges the gap between playing and simulating games," Alex Constantinescu, senior game designer for the FIFA team, told Eurogamer recently in a virtual preview.

"Playing a match in FIFA is very time consuming, and even more so in Career mode where you have to play a full season. We know our players like to mix and match between matches and then weaken them. But we always had that feeling we can do. something in between that gives users more freedom of choice about the fate of the games, rather than putting everything in the hands of the AI ​​and getting an instant result. "

In this new interactive gaming simulation, games are played at twice the speed of a standard FIFA game and played at a speed of around two minutes and 35 seconds, depending on interruptions for set games such as throw-ins and corners.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to speed up the simulation because according to Constantinescu, the simulator runs the game in the background. "And that makes it more difficult to accelerate the physics as much as possible," Constantinescu explained, "so we set it to double the speed."

FIFA 21 includes a number of career mode enhancements and new options that are well received by fans, and I have the impression that EA Sports wants to avoid the kind of PR disaster that came with the launch of FIFA 20. And the best store to buy FIFA 21 Coins is SSEGold, always with fast delivery and best price!

However, it's worth noting that FIFA 21's Career mode doesn't include the stadium customization feature that Ultimate Team has, which is a shame. According to Constantinescu, this is exclusive to FUT due to the license. "The most popular teams have licensed stadiums that should be put into career mode, as this mode has more authentic roots.

"FUT is a fantasy mode in many ways, and the customization is much more open there, so it was a good opportunity to use those kinds of options in FUT.

"But we would like to add more in the future and make the adaptation even more flexible, which would also allow for some integration in career mode."

Career mode will also not have women's soccer leagues, although they are becoming increasingly popular in the real world. "The women's soccer club leagues are growing and becoming more popular," Constantinescu said. "And I would hope that at some point in the future we will bring more and more of these leagues into the game."

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Jimy cooperJimy cooper
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