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Make your video stand out from the crowd

For making an effective video requires hard work and right technique for working.  Listed below are secrets for making a great video.

  • Watch your delivery, speed, and clearness of message delivery. Whether you are recording live or just casting voice over a screen image or arrangement, be aware of how you speak. It must not be quick. It must not be sluggish. You are now in the amusement business and you need to work on this part like actors do. You cannot show shabbiness in this region. So be careful with that.
  • Go for Shooting in a live and natural environment- You need to be careful with the setup. The setup should be such that viewers do not get distracted by the background. Their entire focus should go on the message which you ought to deliver. Even the color scheme used should be soothing one and should not distract the eyes. So be careful to choose a background which suits the type of video you actually want to make.
  • Be very particular while editing the videos. It is advisable to go for it professionally. You may use pretty normal equipment to shoot. It’s not an issue but the main part of focus lies in the editing part so be careful with that.  Using a good mike and editing software is very much attractive. The mike ensures your listeners do not have to hurt themselves to get your aim. And good editing makes sure your points stick because you strengthen the stated message with words that can be interpreted off the screen. You break the repetitiveness of watching. You have changes and effects that maintains interest throughout your video. As an aside, keep the videos to under 3 minutes each unless it can’t be altered.
  • Setting up a storyboard for each video you are making is quite important. A storyboard is simply clarity – preferably on paper of what will be delivered in what succession and with what camera movements. For example, your video is on a cooking recipe, so the order of it like explain the name then followed by the taste of it and then explain the ingredients, methods, garnishing, &so on. If you have clearly mentioned all this then it will be great to work on. Do keep in mind to use engraved clapperboards & printed clapperboards for the working. Get them beforehand.
  • Use the appropriate keywords. When you are making a video, go for commenting on the similar kind of videos. Look at their concepts take ideas and try making something new from it. Use the particular keywords which people have used, as when the people will search their videos will look into yours as well. So it will be a great advantage for you. Don’t forget this point at any cost.

Thus, to conclude, we can say that for making a good video you should keep all these points in mind as it will help you to be among the best.

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Joined: November 27th, 2017
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