Here Are Some Important Uses Of Geotextiles That You Should Know Abouthe type of geotextile that you prefer will depend on the intended use. Most geotextiles are used in different types of construction processes. The following are some of the most common uses.
For stablisation during construction
During construction, geotextiles can be used to create stability when laying the foundation. The soft, natural soil may not be strong enough, therefore geotextiles are placed on top of this soil to compress and consolidate it. This gives it more stability and provides good strength for the foundation of the construction to be laid.
For separation and reinforcement
Geotextiles can also be used to separate different materials that are not similar so as to ensure a smooth process during construction. This is particularly useful during the construction of roads. The geotextile fabric creates a separation between the soil and the base material. This helps to preserve the strength of the base material and facilitates the construction of a durable road. Apart from separation, geotextiles can also be used to reinforce materials. This can be done by placing the geotextile within the material that needs to be reinforced, thus making it more sturdy and suitable for construction.
For dewatering systems
There are several ways of removing water from wet waste. Some of the methods available are costly and unsuitable for the environment. However, using a dewatering system is a cost effective method of disposing of your wet waste from a factory or any other location. Part of the equipment used in the dewatering process is the geotextile tube which provides an environmentally friendly way of separating the water from the solid waste. The water can be safely drained into a nearby outlet, and the remaining solid waste can be put to an alternative use if it does not contain any harmful substances. This method of dewatering also carries a low labour cost because there is no need to hire an expert to set up the system, the tubes can be easily installed by a few workers.
As a barrier for moisture
There are some geotextiles that are impermeable, and these can ideally be used as a barrier for moisture. During the renovation of pavements, geotextiles are commonly used as a waterproof seal so that no water is able to pass through. This helps to facilitate the smooth rehabilitation of pavements. Geotextiles can also be used to prevent soil erosion on the banks of rivers. They provide some protection on the banks against currents, and this helps to conserve the environment as well as the ecosystem.
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