Tips To Avoid Hiring a Bad Foreclosure AttorneyHiring a lawyer could make the difference between keeping your home or losing it to foreclosure. But once you decide to hire a lawyer, how can you avoid picking a bad one? During the Great Recession, many different kinds of attorneys started taking on foreclosure cases to supplement their declining incomes—even though foreclosure defense wasn’t their primary area of interest or expertise. So, selecting a good, dedicated foreclosure attorney can be a challenge. To learn what to watch out for so you can avoid choosing a bad foreclosure lawyer, read on.
What Is a Bad Foreclosure Lawyer?
Many foreclosure attorneys are dedicated to their clients and will work hard to do everything possible to save your home. But others take on too many cases and care more about making money than helping clients.
When it comes to bad foreclosure lawyers, the story tends to be pretty much the same: Homeowners hire the attorney to fight foreclosure and, often, to help them get a mortgage modification. The homeowners pay the attorneys’ fees for such representation, but the lawyer takes little action in the case or on the clients' behalf. In some instances, the lawyer is ineffective when action is taken. Bad lawyers also typically fail to keep their clients informed as to the status of their cases.
Warning Signs Of a Bad Foreclosure Lawyer
The Lawyer Promises To Stop The Foreclosure And Save Your Home
No lawyer can promise results or a particular outcome. A lawyer should only promise to aggressively work for you and should tell you about all potential outcomes. Be aware, as well, that many scampers prey upon homeowners in foreclosure by claiming they can stop a foreclosure. Take steps to avoid foreclosure defense attorney rescue scams.
The lawyer claims to have special skills or abilities in “negotiating” a mortgage modification
Very little negotiating actually occurs in the loan modification process. The loan servicer or the investor has specific requirements that borrowers must meet to get a loan modification, and if you qualify, you’ll get one. Though, keep in mind that some strategy is involved in how you present certain information to the servicer. Consider talking to an attorney if you think you have a complicated situation and need help showing your circumstances in the best way to get a modification.
The Lawyer Has Unusually Large Number Of Clients
Usually, a homeowner who's facing foreclosure doesn’t have a lot of money available to pay high fees to a foreclosure attorney. To make up for this, some foreclosure lawyers operate a very high-volume business to generate more income, leaving them with not enough time for each individual case. While a law office might not tell you how many clients it has, you can get an idea of how busy the office is by the number of people in the waiting area, how many phone calls come in while you’re there, and your overall impression of the firm.
If you have trouble getting in to see foreclosure lawyers, the lawyer tries to rush you out of the office, the lawyer won't listen to your concerns or answer your questions, or the lawyer acts like you’re taking up too much time, this could be an indication that the firm has too many clients to give your case proper attention.
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