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Things to Remember While Sowing Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are the special variety of sprouts that comes from Europe. The variety offers smaller yield of dark red sprouts, but has a milder, delicate, and nuttier flavour that standard green types. The red colour is quite enhanced with the first light frosts and develop great intensity after a hard frost. Red bull brussels sprouts retained even after they are cooked steamed or microwaved.  

It takes time to grow the red bull brussels sprouts. However, once they arrive in the appropriate condition, the sprouts remain in good condition for weeks. People can grow these sprouts in the garden or in the kitchen. Red bulls are famous due to its intense colour, and people feel tempted to eat it.  

This post focuses on the process of planting seeds of the red bull brussels sprouts. So, if you are interested, then let us get started:  

Prepare the Site:  

The Brussel crop grows best in the partial shade, in firm, fertile, free draining soil. One should dig the soil deeper and remove all the stones. Try to prepare well-rotted manure or compost. Also, it aims to maintain the pH of water present in the soil is in between 6.5 – 7.5.  

Process to Sow Seed:  

Time of sowing the seed and then harvest is different. For the Brussels sprouts, one should sow it in spring and harvest in winter. Nearly, all brassicas should be planted in a seedbed or in modules under glass and then transferred. One could use the below approximation of seeds to sow them appropriately

  • Cover seeds to 1.25 cm that is ¼ or ½ inch of deep water
  • Transplant the seeding when they are about 7 cm that is about 3 inches tall.
  • Ensure to water the day before moving and keep well-watered until established.
  • Maintain a distance of around 60 to 90 cm in between the plants in a row.


Like most of the plants, Brussels to get affected by the pests and disease. To protect the crop from any insect, the soil should be adequately limed and well-drained. Rotate your crop annually to avoid disease. Avoid growing brassicas on the same plot more often than once in three years, as moving the crop helps avoid the build-up to soil pests and diseases.

The red bull Brussel sprouts are rich in several nutrients, so making them the part of the kitchen is absolutely a wise idea. Follow the above procedure and get the Brussel in your garden.

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Bounnie MillerBounnie Miller
Bounnie is a professional content writter who loves to write
Joined: May 19th, 2020
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