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Three Exciting Applications of RFID Cards

A man walks to a door, takes out a card, presses it against a device near the door, and the door opens. The hallway leads to a basement where the man steals or destroys all the documents. This typical scene from a science fiction movie or James Bond movie demonstrates the use of proximity cards very well. Things are different in real life.

These cards are not easy ducks. They are more confident and capable than Hollywood portrays. Movies rarely show proximity cards that are used in libraries, transportation, and care systems; where, these are the domains where these cards are used a lot.

Proximity cards are a type of smart card. They store information and use radio frequencies to interact with card readers. Card readers are devices that process data transmitted from proximity cards. Depending on what a reader has been programmed for, it can allow or deny access to a building and it can track books borrowed from the library, etc. The use of radio signals in these cards has earned them the technical name of radio frequency identification (RFID card).

There are two types of RFID cards: passive and active. Passive cards run on power drawn from card readers. They have a small range; less than five centimeters. Active cards are equipped with a lithium-ion battery. They have a longer range, approximately 150 meters. One downside to active cards is that their battery drains and renders them unusable after five to seven years of use.

The technology used in these smart cards dates back to World War II. They have been used as security access cards for a few decades. New research is opening up more fields for its applications. Here is a summary of the three interesting areas in which proximity cards are used:

ID cards

Modern RFID technology identification (ID) cards look like cards from 10 to 20 years ago. Superficial appearances are deceptive. The operation of these cards is little like the cards of a generation ago. These are more secure and capable. Students and faculty members can use them to access, make purchases, make payments, and other tasks. Many colleges and universities use them as identification cards.

Library loans

Libraries are showing interest in RFID systems. Libraries hope to reduce costs by reducing their staff and replacing it with a self-service system based on RFID cards. Researchers are investigating how much libraries can earn from their savings. Some researchers claim that proximity cards begin to pay off in two to three years; while others argue that libraries should not expect a return on their investments before six years.


Supply chain managers are increasingly using RFID tags to better track their products. The use of these cards allows them to know the location of their products with an accuracy of a few meters; and with very low investments.

More uses

Smart cards are being considered as an alternative payment method in transportation. Its use in security systems has a long history and will continue to do so for a long time.

About This Author

Hridoy AhmedHridoy Ahmed
Joined: December 15th, 2019
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