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5 Reasons You Should Join the Keto Movement

Nutrition research has shown that high carbohydrates and sugar intake are harmful to your health. Choosing to cut back on foods like wheat products, cereal, pasta, sweet potatoes, and sweet drinks can immensely transform your health and weight. Nutritionists recommend different types of diets to deal with specific issues. One such diet is the Keto Diet. When on Keto diets, you eat very low carb, moderate protein, and high-fat foods. Research suggests this is effective in controlling some health conditions and influencing weight loss. Some of the foods you can eat while on this diet include; nuts, avocado, oils, leafy green vegetables, meats, eggs, unsweetened coconut, and fish. The diet is known to yield results. Below are a few reasons why you should consider trying this diet.

1. Controls appetite and reduces cravings

While on the keto diet, your body will undergo ketosis when the liver starts producing ketones by burning the stored fat to supply alternative energy to the brain. These ketones influence your hunger-stimulating hormones called ghrelin by reducing them and increasing cholecystokinin (CCK), the hormone that signals the brain when you are full. The foods you consume on the keto diet are also filling, thus helping you control your hunger pangs. A lot of people tend to crave sweet things while on a carb-free diet. The keto diet has recipes for healthy keto desserts that can help you curb the cravings.

2. Influences weight loss

Studies have shown that this diet significantly helps reduce body weight and body mass index. The reduction of carbohydrates from the diet causes the body to lose water and enhance weight loss. Eliminating carbs also decreases the body's sugar intake, which prompts the liver to burn more of the stored fat to produce energy.

3. Balances blood sugar levels

High or low blood sugar levels are dangerous. Therefore, the body produces insulin and helps stabilize our blood sugar levels when we consume starchy or sugary foods. The keto diet eliminates carbs and sugars from the diet preventing spikes in your blood sugar levels. It is helpful for patients with diabetes because burning stored fat increases insulin sensitivity. Balanced blood sugar levels maintain a healthy heart and reduce the chances of high blood pressure and obesity.

4. It boosts energy and mental clarity

On some days, you experience brain fogginess and energy slumps without understanding what is happening to your body. Starting the keto diet will enable you to sustain your energy levels and be alert throughout the day. Studies suggest that it improves brain function because the ketones supply a large part of the brain with sufficient energy in the absence of glucose. The keto diet strengthens the nervous system and is recommended for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia patients as it helps improve memory.

There are different types of keto diets. While you decide which one works for you, make sure you are healthy enough to undertake this journey. Customize the meal plans to suit your needs, and if you are a beginner, start slowly giving your body time to adapt to this dietary change.

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Ella WilsonElla Wilson
Joined: December 14th, 2018
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