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Do I have Verruca, Callus, or Corn on my foot?

If there is something on your foot that is bothering you or it is painful, you should consult a podiatrist right away before it turns into a serious concern.

Read on to understand the differences between a corn, a callus and a verruca.  


A callus refers to an area of hard, thick skin that has developed over time due to friction or pressure. Calluses can develop across the ball of the foot or around the heel. A callus usually appears yellow and waxy or rough. A callus may not present a serious health risk but it can lead to great discomfort, irritation and even appear unsightly.


Corns are circular and smaller with a hard and thickened center. It usually grows inwards in a cone shape and painful when pressed. A corn may be surrounded by red, inflamed skin, due to continuous pressure because of ill-fitting shoes. Corns typically develop where a callus exists, usually on the balls of the foot or on the toes.

Since calluses and corns generally form on high pressure areas, bunions and hammer toes increase the likelihood of developing them.


A verruca is a circular cauliflower shapedwart generally found on the sole of the foot. A verruca is usually raised with black dots due to little blood vessels. A good way of diagnosing a verruca is that the striae (lines on the foot, like a finger print) do not go over the surface of the verruca. On the other hand, corns or calluses have the striae over the surface of the skin as well. Verrucae, like corns, are painful to walk on.

How to avoid Callus and Corns?

To avoid calluses and corns –

  • wearcomfortableshoes with a widetoe box
  • wear thicker socks to protect your feetin activities, such as running
  • keep your feet clean and moisturized with foot cream
  • do not use corn plasters without a podiatrist’s advice

A podiatrist can diagnose the foot problem you have and provide the right and safe treatment. They can remove callus and corns.

A podiatrist can recommend customized orthotics to offload pressure from callus and corns, or to prevent the corn from occurring. Customized orthotics can also help to prevent other foot issues if your feet are vulnerable to them.

Your podiatrist can also treat a verruca and apply a professional acid treatment. They can explain the treatment options and advise the most suitable one, depending on the size and length of time the verruca has been present.

If you are looking for the best foot doctor or foot orthotics treatment in Phoenix, AZ, call Oasis Foot and Ankle Center at 602-993-2700 right away.

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Joined: June 25th, 2018
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