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Eat Fig Both in Ripe and Unripe Form by Purchasing from Reputed Suppliers

Figs are trees that produce unique fruit resembling like a teardrop. The leaves, fruits and root of the tree used for making medicines in different countries. The fruit of the tree is equal to the size of a human’s thumb. It has an edible green or purple peel and the fruit is filled with scores of tiny seeds. The fig fruit has a sweet and mild taste and its scientific name is Ficus Carica. If you are fond of eating fig fruit, you can buy it from Fig suppliers round the year.

Nutrition Profile

It is a highly nutritious fruit, which is low in calories. It is also a rich source of carbs, copper and other vitamins like Vitamin B6, K, etc. Eating fresh fig fruit is considered as a low calorie snack item. On the other hand, if you are eating dried figs, they are high in both calories and sugar.

Health Benefits

Some of the health benefits of eating figs are:

  • The potassium present in the fruit helps in controlling blood pressure.
  • It promotes digestive health by acting as natural way to treat problems like constipation.
  • If a person eats fresh fig, he can easily control his blood sugar levels to an optimum level. The fresh fig helps in managing the blood sugar levels especially in those people who are suffering from Type 1 diabetes. For this, it is necessary to buy fresh produce from organic fig suppliers.
  • The fig leaves exhibit anti-cancer properties.

Tips for Preparing and Cooking Figs

If you are eating fresh figs, wash them thoroughly under cool water and remove its stem. After that, gently wipe dry. If you are eating dried figs, eat in the manner as they are. If you are using dried figs in any recipe, make them juicier by simmering in water for 5-10 minutes.

Some of the best serving ideas with figs are as follows:

  1. If you are thinking to prepare a new dessert, the easiest way to do so is to stuff goat cheese and chopped almonds in fresh figs and serves it as a dessert.
  2. Poach figs either in red wine or in a juice and serve it with frozen desserts or yogurt.
  3. Increase the nutritional content of an oatmeat by adding some fresh or dried figs.

How to Choose Fresh Figs?

One of the best ways to do is to contact fig suppliers and make a purchase from them. The reputed suppliers always offer fresh produced to its customers at affordable rates. If you are purchasing it from the nearest supermarket, look for those figs that have a deep, rich color and have a plump appearance. They should be free of bruises. Even smell it as you will get clue about its taste and freshness. The fresh figs smell sweet. If you want to increase antioxidant intake in your diet, then choose fully ripened figs.

If you are buying under-ripe figs, store them properly at a room temperature and away from the sunlight. If you are buying fully riped figs from suppliers, it is advisable to finish them in a day or two.

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Visit our website for more details about fresh fruits.
Joined: January 5th, 2020
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