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Why Resilient Supply Chain Is Important

Why Resilient Supply Chain Is Important

Today's global economy finds itself confronted with numerous shocks, which are unfortunately almost impossible to predict in advance. In fact a major challenge facing companies is how to remain resilient in the face of sudden and often unforeseeable shocks to the extent that these shocks become self-defeating rather than beneficial. Resilient supply chain management therefore is a concept that views the company's long-term viability in terms of its ability to adapt to unexpected shocks. Its goal therefore is to ensure that companies are better prepared to deal with such shocks in a manner which is consistent with overall business objectives. The ultimate objective therefore, is to ensure that companies are capable of resiliently responding to sudden and unforeseeable events which have the potential to affect the market in a negative way.

The evolution of business has been fuelled by the advent of information technology and the revolution in the telecommunications industry. These developments in turn have provided a much needed boost to the global economy by creating new business possibilities. Rapid technological developments have also dramatically increased the pace at which information is exchanged across international boundaries. The increasing complexity of the process of global supply chain, on the other hand, has made it all the more challenging for companies to cope.

Resilient supply chain management therefore refers to a set of policies and practices that seek to mitigate the negative consequences that result from fluctuations in global supply chains. It is a framework which focuses on the identification, analysis and the prioritization of factors that have a direct influence on the supply chain management process. Its underlying logic is based on the assumption that all factors that can potentially impact the processes should be taken into consideration. In addition, it also assumes that failure of a particular company to comply with certain laws and regulations may result in severe damage to the company and its ability to deliver goods and services worldwide. Resilient supply chain management therefore looks closely at the impact that policy decisions and actions can have on the efficiency and productivity of a company as a whole.

The principles of resilient supply chain management are primarily designed to promote both cost-efficiency and quality in the manufacturing of a product or service. By effectively integrating all facets of the supply chain, a company can improve its profit margins as well as its ability to provide competitive services. It attempts to eliminate internal inefficiencies by using the most efficient means available, whether this is through technology, management systems, innovation or organizational initiatives. Although it is a complex theory, it is based on the idea that economies of scale can reduce costs and improve overall product quality. Therefore, companies that embrace resilient supply chain management will have the ability to achieve cost savings while maintaining high quality.

Resilient supply chain management encompasses many practices and systems that can be used individually or collectively to increase the overall efficiency of a company's operation. For instance, by making use of advanced technologies and management systems that allow for the automation of many business processes, it becomes possible to eliminate a number of tasks from the operational flow. This in turn allows for the creation of a more uniform and consistent level of output. In addition to this, by making use of these same technologically advanced tools and systems it is possible to streamline operations, leading to improved customer service. All of these improvements are made in an effort to make resilient supply chain management more effective.

When conducting a resilient supply chain analysis, it is important to keep in mind that these are strategies that are not static. These strategies will constantly need to evolve as the world's economy changes and becomes more volatile. Therefore, it is important for companies to be proactive and prepared for any eventuality. They must develop plans that include contingency measures, so that they are able to deal with any unforeseen circumstances. In addition to this, it is also essential that companies take their time when formulating a plan and carefully consider the implications before implementing them.

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Scott JohnnyScott Johnny
Hi, i am Johnny Scott and i am professional content writer.
Joined: November 18th, 2020
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