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Interactive Digital Textbooks To Learning Communities

Interactive Digital Textbooks To Learning Communities

Digital textbooks were introduced even before this pandemic hit the world. However, digital textbooks were the most used during these times as it facilitated online education and made it has an effective medium to share lessons and lectures. One key feature of the rise in the use of digital textbooks is the rise in the use of smartphones and tablets.

Today, digital textbooks are made with interactive features as well and allowed in colleges for students to use. It is a feature that has appealed to the teachers, as well as the students, and has provided them a platform for a more immersive experience and allowing easy access to online teaching methods and resources.

In this article, we will list down the advantages of using digital textbooks in learning communities. These learning communities do not necessarily mean just school and colleges, we know that Udemy academy is using digital textbooks to teach creative courses and Madinah Quran academy is using these resources as well to teach religious Quran books and many other communities are switching to these tech books.

Advantages of Digital Textbooks to Learning Communities:

  •          Printed textbooks are being sold at high rates and therefore becoming expensive for students to afford easily. On the other hand, these digital textbooks are much cheaper and easily available.
  •          Since digital textbooks can be viewed on your smartphones or laptops, they essentially have no weight and easier for students to access at the tap of their fingers.
  •          These digital textbooks can retain the attention of students more than traditional textbooks do. It keeps the students interactive and interested in their study content.
  •          New apps, content, and textbook are being designed specially by schools and colleges to replace traditional heavy books which in turn has reduced the burden of carrying heavy weight books in bags, etc. Instead, apps are being launched encompassing different books of different subjects as well.
  •          These apps and features of digital textbooks have made it possible for learning communities from around the world to access it and compete in competitions, general knowledge quizzes, debates, etc.
  •          Interactive digital textbooks are especially appealing because of their content, 3D graphics, diagrams, sounds, and voices to keep the students engaged in the learning process.
  •          The designs and learning features of these textbooks and apps are sometimes so easy and fun to engage with that students end up doing more learning than they would have otherwise.
  •          Interactive textbook apps allow the teacher to customize the student learning content, depending on the subject or course they are teaching.
  •          Tech-savvy teachers can make the best of these textbooks by customizing each learning content according to each student's need, rather than generalize it as the same for all students.

Now that you know what advantages these digital textbooks provide to the learning community, we will list down a few ways you can use these textbooks in your learning institution.

Creative Uses of Digital Textbooks in Classrooms:

  •          You can use an interactive digital book to take your students into historical time or give them a visual presentation to teach geography.
  •          Maths can become easy for the student by engaging them in digital interactivities, data manipulation tools, and gasification activities. Customized lessons can also be made by the teacher to teach particular concepts.
  •          Digital textbooks are also used to bring abstract concepts to life. This can be done by using graphics and 3D models.
  •          These can also be used in teaching biology lessons. Audiovisual representations can be used for showing human circulatory systems, showing in detail the flowing of blood within veins, arteries, heart, etc.
  •          Learning from Digital textbooks works best when guided by a human teacher as well. It depends on the instructor how well he blends the traditional human touch with digital textbooks.
  •          Digital textbooks make boring subjects come to life. Like history and geography. It is shown that students tend to show interest in these two subjects due to the creative methods used.
  •          These textbooks, with the blend of audio and visual content, 3D models, graphics, and charts can be used as a part of the storytelling session for preprimary kids or even college students.
  •          Apps can be used to provide students with virtual worksheets and homework on the application. This can make the homework doing process interesting and creative.
  •          A lot of religious academies are working on adapting to digital textbooks as a normal method of teaching like Madinah Quran academy.

Closing words:

Digital textbooks are not that normalized as we might think yet, even though it is the year 2020; The year of a digital revolution, which made every industry in the world go digital. However, slowly these books are making their place in learning communities around the world.


Author Bio:

Nisar Ahmad

Nisar is a digital marketing expert from Media Hicon for many years. He considers bringing all the keywords to the top of his duty and constantly str.

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Nisar AhmadNisar Ahmad
Joined: December 10th, 2020
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