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Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulders

Shoulders are the most mobile joints, and you do not realize how much you rely on your shoulders till that mobility gets limited because of an injury or condition.

Most patients want relief from shoulder pain and discomfort without the potential complications and risks of traditional surgery. If shoulder pain is limiting your movement and affecting your quality of life, stem cell therapy can relieve your shoulder pain without having to go under the knife.

Stem Cell Therapy vs. Surgery for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder surgeries can be complex, and expensive with pain after the procedure and long rehabilitation and recovery times. Common shoulder surgeries may not even work for all shoulder injuries.

Shoulder injuries, such as rotator cuff tears, are complex. The damage may not even heal because of reduced blood flow to the injured tissues, such as tendons. As a result, tendons begin to wear out, and get torn in several places.

A surgery might fail if the tendon can’t heal naturally and is damaged from within. Stem cell therapy for rotator cuff tears restores tendon health by stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanism.

Shoulder Injuries that can be treated with Stem Cell Therapy

Common shoulder injuries that can be treated with stem cell therapy include –

Rotator Cuff Tears

Rotator cuff tears result from repeated overhead movements and wear-and-tear. This results in a dull aching sensation, which can lead to chronic pain, if left untreated.

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis and Tendinosis

The muscles and tendons around your shoulder become inflamed and irritated, causing pain, stiffness, and swelling. This injury is common among pitchers, swimmers, and tennis players, but can happen to anyone.

Shoulder JointArthritis

Arthritis involves wearing out of cartilage that cushions the shoulder joint. Symptoms include pain or stiffness, reduced range of motion, and reduced function.

Labral Tears or Degeneration

The cartilage on the glenoid bone or the socket of the shoulder joint may also degenerate over time. This can cause pain and limit mobility as well as increase your risk of shoulderdislocation.

AC Joint Separation

Active individuals may suffer from AC or acromioclavicular joint separation. If a person suffers a bad fall or a high-impact situation, the collar bone may separate from the scapula and the surrounding ligaments may tear.

Recurrent Shoulder Dislocations

Once the tissues around the shoulder joint, such as muscles, ligaments, and tendons, are displaced or torn, the person may suffer recurrent shoulder dislocations. This can cause chronic pain, weakness and disability of the shoulder.

Stem Cell Therapy

Instead of cutting and replacing tissues as in conventional surgery, stem cells can turn into the right type of cells your body needs. When injected into the injured area, stem cells speed up the body’s natural healing process, thereby relieving pain and regenerating damaged tissues.

Stem cell procedures are non-invasive, have a short recovery period, and allow the procedure to be repeated in the future, if you need them. Traditional surgery, on the other hand, often limits other treatment options, in case it fails to provide the intended results.

When you choose stem cell therapy, a customized treatment plan is designed for you after a careful assessment of your injury or illness, symptoms, medical history and several other factors. Depending on the severity of the condition, you recover from the procedure quickly.  Patients start experiencing results within a few weeks.

For stem cell treatments and injectionstem cell therapy in Mexico, call one of the best stem cell clinics in Mexico, R3 Stem Cell International at 888-988-0515 right away!

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R3 Stem Cell InternationalR3 Stem Cell International
Joined: June 23rd, 2020
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