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How to Cover the Costs for Dentistry

When paying for a dental procedure, these are the main options afforded to individuals. Be sure to make the right choice for yourself or your family.

With modern life being as expensive as it is, sometimes people put off going to the dentist to the bottom of their priority list. It’s understandable – dentistry can be costly, and check-ups do add up even if they don’t feel like they do much. But regular dental health is all about maintenance, and skipping some cheaper appointments might result in larger, more costly issues such as a root canal or decaying tooth appearing later down the line. At Five Dock Dental Clinic, we are committed to making sure all of our local community can access dental care regardless of their financial situation, and that they make an investment for good dental health which ultimately saves money down the line.

A Trustworthy Dentist will Always Clearly Communicate the Involved Costs of Treatment

Remember this rule when assessing how you will pay for your dental procedures. If you feel like you are being made to pay too much, or you are being surprised with costly procedures which you weren’t sure you needed, be sure to communicate this concern with your dentist. At Five Dock Dental Clinic, we are aware that a small minority of dental practices might be acting in bad faith. But a relationship of trust between a dentist and their client is crucial for good dental health, which is why at our practices, all costs will be communicated upfront, and there will be no pressuring to undergo any procedures unless the client opts for it, or if it is to avoid an even more costly treatment down the line.

When faced with a costly treatment, it can be difficult to know how you will account for the payment in your budget. Here are some of the most common options you should consider when assessing your next dental exam:

  • Public Dental Plan – NSW has a generous Public Dental plan as part of Medicare, so everyone should check if they are eligible for this before opting for any of the later options. The Public Dental plan currently covers all children up to 18 years, as well as certain concession card holders such as pensioners and owners of a Healthcare card. No applications need to be made if you fall into these criteria – just bring your Medicare card and relevant proof of eligibility (eg. your Senior’s card).

  • Healthcare Plan – Private health insurance is a great way to cover the regular costs of dental procedures. Most healthcare plans offer general dental as an add-on and provide partial or full cover for most standard procedures. Be sure to shop around and compare plans to see which will be the best fit for your body and lifestyle. Healthcare plans do tend to have a waiting period though, so don’t book a dentist’s appointment the day after you sign up.

  • Super Withdrawal – If the required dental operation is adequately serious, NSW Legislation authorises a one-time withdrawal from superannuation savings to cover the cost of a medical procedure which impedes on work or general wellbeing. This is done on a case-by-case basis, so you will need to consult with your dentist and have them sign off that the operation is critically important.

  • Dental loans – If you are short on funds to cover a large, one-time medical payment, there are a variety of loan companies which can foot the immediate cost of your treatment. Some even partner with dentist’s offices for added convenience. Do take care and compare your options before opting for a loan however, as interest rates can be high for these short-term loans. It is unlikely that a local dentist will associate with a particularly predatory lender, but it is still best to consider other options before borrowing.

  • Out of pocket – Lastly, there is always the option to use personal savings to pay for dental treatments. Whilst this is not the best option for emergencies or general health, it is what we recommend for cosmetic and elective dental which might not be covered by a healthcare plan.

At Five Dock Dental Clinic, we want our community to enjoy the best dental care available without financial strife. You can be assured that our costs are reasonable and our dentists will consult and decide based on your best interests. If you have further concerns about the costs of dental treatment, feel free to contact us today.

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Soothing Care DentalSoothing Care Dental
Joined: September 8th, 2020
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