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Exciting things to Know Before You Do a Job Search

With so many platforms for job seekers and employers these days, landing a job or contract you want now involves numerous considerations. If you are doing a job search, there are plenty of exciting things that you can try. Here are a few to help you make the most out of the process.

Use Job Search Sites

There are plenty of job search websites that now make it easy for potential employees and employers to find each other. If you’re checking out job options, then sign up for a job search platform. If it comes with a fee, that’s even better because you know that will limit the talent pool, making it much easier for employees on the platform to find you.

Fix Your Resume

Don’t just go with the same boring resume that you’ve always had. How many years has it been since you’ve even revised your portfolio? Fix that description. Make sure the information is accurate. You wouldn’t want potential employers to call you and not get through because you put the wrong number.

Keep It Simple

Automatic applicant tracking systems read the content. That means any fancy formatting will be entirely lost on them. Since those details won’t even register, using those elements excessively could backfire on you and leave your resume unsuitable for them. Keeping it simple will help.

Check for Errors

There’s nothing like spelling and grammatical errors to detract from the value of your resume. Small, minor mistakes might not seem much to you, but it can send the wrong impression to potential employers, mainly that you’re careless. That’s not the quality most hiring companies want in an asset.

Get Recommendations

Recommendations help give potential hiring committees insight into who you are, what your work ethic is, do people love to work with you, what they say about you, and more. It can tip the scales in your favor and get people more interested in hiring you.

Write a Brief Cover Letter

Whenever you apply for a position online and send out a cover letter, make sure it’s brief but that it contains all the important information you want a prospective hiring company to know. Customize the content and use words that are in the firm’s job description or hiring page. That way, they’ll know that you’re a good match for that job vacancy. Be specific about the results or positive outcomes you’ve made possible at work. Highlight any leadership positions and qualities if they align with the company’s hiring needs.

Gaps are Fine

Too many people get nervous if they have gaps between jobs but that’s fine. If you used that time to rest after years of hard work, or you came back stronger than ever with a new set of skills, mindset, and capabilities, then that gap won’t reflect badly on you. Hiring companies understand that even the best people can get laid. Some need a break.

Improve your job search. Keep these tips in mind before you start sending out an application for a new job.

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Ella WilsonElla Wilson
Joined: December 14th, 2018
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