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What Pages Should your Website Have?

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, have you ever wondered what pages you should include in your website to get more business?

In a good web design, there are certain number of pages Scottsdale Web Design Agency consider requisite for any business owner when looking to build a relevant and incredible website for visitors who are your potential customers and one-time buyers.

Below, we have shared the list of important pages a business website should have:

1. Homepage

Homepage often called a landing page of the site. It is the most arguably the most important page, why? That’s because it’s a website entry point for most visitors. And it is, after all, called the ‘home’ page because from a web development standpoint it is the default or start-up page of your site.

Ideally, a homepage should establish a consistent design layout and placement for your brand or company logo, navigation, contact details, and footer that gets carried throughout the other pages.

Your website content on the homepage should be engaging, contains call-to-action for your products or services as well as deliver relevance and credibility to the visitors.

2. About us

70% of the visitors would like to know more about the company history, mission, and vision. An about page usually describes your company in more detail, the people behind the company establishment, team, and history.

Some business owners also write their mission and vision in the about section of the site.

3. Product /service pages

Whether you are selling a wide range of products or services, it important that your website provides detailed information about them. If you have different products or services, Scottsdale Web Company will suggest having separate web pages for these. Not only, it is good for the website visitors, but it’s a good idea from a search engine optimization perspective. For example, let’s say that you’re a roofing contractor, you’d want to set up pages for each type of roofing service you offer…i.e fire damage, water damage, shingles, etc. You could of course put all of these services into a single page, but it’s if you want higher rankings on the search engine result pages, you need to give each of them their own web pages with unique content.

4. Blog page

Blog page enables the business owner to update fresh, keyword-optimized content on a regular basis which is good seo. This is because google likes a fresh piece of content and doing so will increase the ‘’authority’ of a website that ranks better than its competitors who don’t frequently update their websites with newly published blogs and other trending posts.

5. Contact us page

Every Custom Scottsdale Web Design creates a contact page because most visitors expect it to get in touch with the company. It is the place to include various contact options for sales, customer support, billing, and other service areas, addresses etc.

Talk with a Web Designer in Scottsdale today to get a professional new website for your small, medium, or big business.

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Joined: September 1st, 2020
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