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Face Pigmentation Cream – Treatment For Uneven Skin Tone And Hyperpigmentation

Face Pigmentation Cream – Treatment For Uneven Skin Tone And Hyperpigmentation

In the current era of Facetune, Photoshop, and countless filters, the pressure of having flawless skin is high. People who love makeup can easily use foundation to deal with uneven skin tones, but it would certainly be nice to have a flawless complexion without having to use foundation at all. 

Modern technology has given people many ways to deal with hyperpigmentation effectively. Starting from having high-tech laser treatment to using a face pigmentation cream; there is hope for everybody. 

Hyperpigmentation is a condition where certain patches of skin appear darker than the rest. It tends to occur because of excess melanin content, which is the brown pigment responsible for skin colour. The three most common types of hyperpigmentation include sunspots, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), and melasma. 

There are several factors that trigger the condition. Sun damage is considered one of the primary causes of hyperpigmentation, which is also known as age spots. However, hormones during pregnancy or taking the pill can also trigger melanin overproduction. In some instances, acne scars tend to leave freckles and dark spots. 

How to get rid of hyperpigmentation using topicals

While many cosmetic treatments are available for treating the condition, most people prefer trying out topical products because they are affordable and have fewer side effects. After choosing a face pigmentation cream, it is essential to be consistent with its usage to see visible results.

Some of the most common options available in the market include:

  •  Hydroquinone – It is an effective skin lightening agent that reduces the melanin content of the skin. 
  •  Azelaic Acid – Acne is an inflammatory skin condition, which often leaves the skin pigmented. Azelaic acid is known for treating discolouration and is a type of gentle leave-on exfoliant. Today, it is considered one of the most effective and safest treatments for hyperpigmentation in the market. 
  •  Retinoids – Retinoid is a term associated with vitamin A derivatives. The most common options of retinoids would be tretinoin and retinol. Their effects are miraculous, especially because of their skin lightening and anti-ageing benefits. 
  •  Kojic Acid – Kojic acid is known as a natural lightening agent obtained from a type of fungus. It helps in inhibiting tyrosine production, which is necessary for melanin synthesis. 
  •  Vitamin C – Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that reduces hyperpigmentation, often resulting from sun damage. It inhibits the activity of tyrosinase which has a significant role to play in melanin synthesis. 
  •  Niacinamide – As a vitamin B3 derivative, niacinamide helps treat hyperpigmentation that results from sun damage. Additionally, it also helps in collagen production.

When it comes to treating hyperpigmentation, there are a few things to keep in mind for accomplishing an even complexion before choosing to try out a topical product. 

  •  Prevention is the Key – The best way to deal with hyperpigmentation is by preventing it in the first place. Applying a moisturiser daily will not only enhance the skin radiance but also prevent it from sun damage, especially if it has SPF. Having a healthy skincare routine is important to avoid hyperpigmentation from occurring in the near future. 
  •  Big No-No to Skin Picking – Another essential thing to remember would be to refrain from picking or scratching the face because it can increase the inflammation, leading to skin discolouration. 
  •  Talk to a Pro – Before choosing a topical product, it is extremely important to visit a professional to have the condition diagnosed. It will not only help in finding the root cause behind the condition but also be useful in selecting the right product. 


Closing thoughts 

Even though hyperpigmentation is a tough nut to crack, there is a way to deal with it using facial creams. With the right product such as face pigmentation cream, it can make a world of difference. 

About This Author

John Plunketts SuperfadeJohn Plunketts Superfade
Joined: January 4th, 2021
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