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Guide to find her the perfect ring


Imagine you, the love of her life sitting on your knee with a diamond ring on your hand for asking her to marry you. But though she is happy with you proposing but not as much as you assumed. You are thinking on the back of your mind what did you do wrong. But as soon as she said yes but didn’t take a picture of the ring you instantly understood that the ring is not what she expected and the size didn’t match either, making it more awkward.

Well, you have come to the right place to find her ring that will be perfect for you. The following are some of the tips for you to find the perfect ring for her without informing her:

  •      To know the ring size, be very subtle and maybe occasionally ask her about the ring she is wearing. That way you can at least guess a close size. And if you are lucky enough and gone shopping with her than it can be easier as well. But there are options for adjustable rings as well.
  •      Before asking her, talk to her before proposing. It is normal that a girl will be happy to see a man on his knee and may even say ‘yes’ but later things can be complicated. So try to talk to her before proposing.
  •      Check online sites with her casually to know about her choice more. And that way she can know there is a chance of you proposing.
  •      Include her friends. Including her friends can be the best solution. Because girls like girl’s choice.

Some common facts about rings for engagement:

  •      The fingers on the dominant hand tend to be broader than the non-dominant one.
  •      The most common size for women’s ring is 6 to 6.5 and for men the size s 10.
  •      The wider the ring rings are tighter the fit is. If you want to buy a ring of the thinner band then measure the size of that ring and not the wider one.

So try to find her ring that will make her smile and also will want her to show her finger on social media.

About This Author

Susan CaliforniaSusan California
Professional blogger and content writer
Joined: March 17th, 2019
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