Effective Study Tips - How To Study Better And Not HarderStudying is not every person's best talent. While some of us can study easily, without putting in so much efforts; others find it quite challenging to retain inside their minds what they have learned. Thus, effective study tips will certainly be welcomed and appreciated.
Effective Planning For Effective Studying
Create a plan that you can follow each day when you study. Set a particular time of the day when you know you are at your best. Stick to the plan and do not disregard it so you will not give in to procrastination. When you plan, you have to set an appropriate amount of time on each assignment.
Subject Priority
When you study, you need to learn how to prioritize your subjects. What you would normally do is choose to do first those materials that are easy and leave the difficult ones at the end. The problem with this is that when you will already work on the difficult subjects, your energy level is already low since you have already used it up on other subjects. Tax CA What you should instead do is to work on the difficult subjects first so you will have better concentration on completing them.
Using Visual Aids
Another effective strategy of studying is to use visual aids. In making your reviewer, you can make use of diagrams and charts that will help facilitate details on your paper. When reading your note, make use of colored pens to highlight the important terms you need to memorize.
Refresh Your Mind
Make it a habit to perform some sort of refresher activities that will promote retention of details in your mind. Each time you study, you can allot about ten minutes to review and read your previous lesson. Frequently studying your lessons will also help reduce the amount of time needed in studying for a major examination.
Many students choose to study bulk lessons only before an examination. This will only cause the brain to be overloaded with information, which can often produce unwanted results. Bombarding your brain with so many details at once is not good. The brain will only tend to forget them. With refresher reviews, you allow your brain to absorb what it has learned within a reasonable amount of time.
Use Metaphors
Metaphors or symbols are greatly useful when studying. What you need to do is to associate your lesson with something simpler and one that you can really appreciate. Sometimes, a student skips studying because he finds the lessons boring. With metaphors, he can think of something else he likes that can be associated with the lessons. For example, a computer enthusiast needs to take up a psychology class. Instead of studying the brain as it is, the student can associate parts of the brain as sections of a computer.
Take Breaks
In your haste to finish studying immediately, you may decide to study without breaks. Perhaps you can indeed finish your study quickly, but you are not certain if anything is retained in your head. The brain could only process and store information within a certain amount of time. Exceeding this limit will not do any good. This is why in school, students are allowed to have recess and lunch breaks.
When you take breaks, you allow your brain to refresh itself. During your recess, make sure you eat a healthy snack/meal and drink plenty of water so your body and brain will have nourishment to function properly once you resume studying.
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