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Is there an alternative to Knee Replacement Surgery?

Many patients are now turning to Stem Cell Therapy as a safe and effective alternative to or to delay knee replacement surgery.

Knee replacement surgery is usually recommended for older adults who suffer from chronic knee pain or face limited mobility issues, such as climbing stairs or walking, especially due to osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a common conditionin which the joint cartilage wears away with age or overuse.

However, knee surgery, like any other surgery, is potentially risky and requires a long time period to recover from. The person needs to undergo several days of hospitalization, post-operative pain, blood loss and more. For a long time after the surgery, you cannot bear weight, walk on your own, or even drive a car. Complete recovery after a total knee replacement surgery can take up to 12 months. People, who like to live an active life, may have to give up high-impact activities such as running. In addition, some people may still suffer from pain a year after surgery.

Moreover, the knee implants are good for up to 10-15 years, so younger patients may require a second knee replacement surgery later.

Stem Cell Therapy for Knees

Stem Cells are available throughout the body and actas body’s natural healing agents as they continually renew other cells. So, the health of tissues in a joint depends on the action of stem cells. Stem cells possess the unique ability to develop into a wide range of cells, including the cartilage cells required to repair joints.  As we age,the quality and availability of stem cells in a joint decrease, along with reduced blood supply. This is how osteoarthritis develops – the cartilage breaks down and can’t be renewed.

Stem Cell Therapy canstimulate the natural healing process of the knee joint, delay (or even reverse) joint degeneration and reduce inflammation that otherwise contributes to worsening arthritic pain.

At reliable stem cell treatment clinics, such as R3 Stem Cell International in Mexico, stem cell therapy involves injecting 30 million live stem cells into the knee joint. You also have the option of getting pre-differentiated stem cells for your knees which means the stem cells will automatically reach the tissues where they are most needed and work effectively. The stem cell procedures are done under ultrasound or fluoroscopic guidance for accuracy.

Upon injection into the site of damage or injury, the stem cells begin to heal the knee by repairing and renewing cartilage and other required tissues, resulting in pain relief and improved mobility.

For stem cell treatments and injection stem cell therapy in Mexico, call one of the best stem cell clinics in Mexico, R3 Stem Cell International at 888-988-0515 right away!

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R3 Stem Cell InternationalR3 Stem Cell International
Joined: June 23rd, 2020
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