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You Find a Best General Building Construction & Waterproofing companies in NYC?

You Find a Best General Building Construction & Waterproofing companies in NYC?

Having your own home is one of the main points of the famous "American Dream". Many of our compatriots have migrated to the United States to find a better life in this country. Many have succeeded, and they are already thinking about tomorrow, including their own cosy home. Of course, you can buy a ready-made house that is sold in any city, but it is much more pleasant to design and waterproofing contractors NYC build your own, where you can proudly raise your children and grandchildren. Finding good quality contractors in America is not easy, especially for foreigners. This section of the message board on our website can help you with this.

It hosts offers and services from various construction companies, among which you can find the ideal contractor to fulfil your American Dream.

Building contractors in NYC is growing at an incredible pace. The city is actively developing and requires new residential buildings from developers. Along with this market, the number of construction companies is growing, ready to take on any customer's project. It isn't easy to choose them, but using the services of your compatriots is much safer. Moreover, the quality of the work of New York builders is appreciated all over the world.

It isn't easy to find large companies that work with New york speaking customers independently, but with such bulletin boards, it can solve this task.

Foundation waterproofing at the stage of pouring

Pouring the foundation is one of the first stages of building a house. Theoretically, there is nothing complicated in this - he dug a hole, covered the bottom with sand, poured concrete on top, and it remains to wait until the cement hardens. But in fact, only professional builders know how to fill the foundation for a house appropriately, there are many nuances here. One of the essential points when pouring a foundation is waterproofing. It is much easier and cheaper to make it even at the concreting stage than to spend time and money on fixing the problem later.

Foundation waterproofing contractors in NYC Technology

For waterproofing the foundation at the pouring stage, it is necessary to use the Penetron Admix concrete additive. Adding the additive Penetron Admix to concrete makes it possible to obtain very dense concrete with a high degree of best waterproofing contractors in NYC and frost resistance.

1. Preparation and dosage of the additive

Penetron Admix

Penetrant Admix can be used alone or in combination with other additives. Dosage: 1% by weight of cement or 4 kg / m3 of concrete.

 The Penetron Admix additive in a dry state is introduced through dry additives dispensers (RBU industrial design).

The additive is introduced into the concrete mixer in the form of a mixture, and the ratio is 1 part of water to 1.5 elements of dry mix.

When using a concrete mixer, the ready-mixed mortar should be used within 5 minutes. 

After adding the mortar mixture to the concrete, it is necessary to mix in a concrete mixer for at least 10 minutes.

Penetron Admix is ​​used in conjunction with Penebar best waterproofing Noah builders to prevent water filtration through the concreting joints. The tourniquet expands upon interaction with water.

Roof waterproofing

Regardless of what tasks you face: building a new roof or repairing an old roof - waterproofing will be the most pressing issue for you. And here it doesn't matter at all what kind of object we are talking about - a small private house or a huge skyscraper in the centre of Novosibirsk.

It is customary to use various materials with a bitumen base for waterproofing contractors NYC market. This method of protecting the top from moisture was and remained the cheapest and relatively effective. But he also has certain disadvantages.

Bitumen is known to have feeble resistance to temperature changes. At +5, it already begins to crack, and when heated to +70 degrees, it melts. After lying on the roof for 3-4 seasons, the bituminous waterproofing material is no longer good for anything. You have to call the builders again to repair the top, which has started to leak also.

Various mastics (one- and two-component) demonstrate incredible efficiency. The mastic is applied to the roof quite quickly and, after hardening, forms a uniform waterproofing layer, very similar in properties to rubber. It is rubber-bitumen mastics that are considered the most effective for waterproofing roofs.

Waterproofing of communication inputs

Entering communications is a weak point of waterproofing. Indeed, often old insulation methods (reeling, packing) do not withstand deformation and water pressure, as a result of which the pipes begin to leak. This can also happen because most materials do not have adhesion to concrete or mortar.

There are two methods of waterproofing contractors NY communication bushings:

1. With the help of PenePoxy polymer glue for plastic pipes

2. With the use of PeneBar bentonite cord for iron sleeves

Waterproofing concrete floor

When it comes to waterproofing a floor or waterproofing a screed, many people think it is waterproofing a bathroom floor. The problem of excess moisture is typical not only for floors in civil buildings. Floors in industrial buildings suffer from water just as much as the floors in your private house or apartment.

If waterproofing is not done promptly, it can lead to the destruction of floor coverings and damage to the building foundation. Also, the processes of decay of finishing and building materials lead to the appearance of fungus and mould in the room, which is exceptionally undesirable when it comes to a warehouse complex or a room where food, agricultural products, and consumer goods are produced or stored.

About This Author

Ashely JhonAshely Jhon
Joined: January 21st, 2021
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