How Does Sensitive Toothpaste Work?Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you cannot eat cold or hot food without your teeth hurting? This is a result of tooth sensitivity.
To rectify this issue, you can use sensitive toothpaste. This is a quick and low-cost solution to tooth sensitivity. Note that sensitive toothpaste does not address the main cause of tooth sensitivity, but it does however treat the symptoms.
It is advised that you seek the help of a dentist to help you find the root cause of teeth sensitivity and find the best sensitive toothpaste for you.
How Does Sensitive Toothpaste Work?
A tooth has three layers; the enamel, the dentine layer, and the pulp. The main cause of teeth sensitivity is when your enamel is worn out and the dentine layer is exposed. This dentine has small pores or channels that lead to the nerve. When they’re exposed to hot or cold temperatures, the nerve is triggered and pain ensues.

To treat this, sensitive toothpaste contains active ingredients that help block these channels to the sensory nerves.
Note that the results are not immediately felt. It can take days to weeks before you can start seeing the results. So, brush your teeth consistently with sensitive toothpaste if you experience pain from sensitivity.
What are the Ingredients of Sensitive Toothpaste?
The effectiveness of the sensitive toothpaste is determined by the active ingredients it is made of. There are several types of sensitive toothpaste available in the market. The common ingredients available in these toothpaste often include:
Potassium Nitrate
This is an active ingredient that plays a crucial role in blocking the transfer of pain to the nerve. This means the pain will not be interpreted by the nerve and transmitted to the brain.
Fluoride is an ingredient found in most standard toothpastes. It protects and strengthens the tooth enamel, preventing cavities from forming and tooth decay.
This active ingredient blocks the tooth tubules to prevent hot or cold to reach the nerves, blocking pain. It’s also an ingredient used to treat the pain of bone cancers.
When to See a Dentist
Any tooth pain should be treated seriously; it is a clear indicator that something could be wrong with your teeth. Desensitising kinds of toothpaste only addresses the symptoms of teeth sensitivity. It’s important to see a dentist to determine what it is that you’re actually experiencing and find an appropriate treatment plan that works.
The following are some of the underlying causes of tooth sensitivity that your dentist might identify.
Weak enamel
Tooth cavities
Chipped teeth
Excessive consumption of acidic food and drinks
The recession of the gum
If you are having constant tooth sensitivity or if the sensitive toothpaste is not working, then you need to seek a dentist appointment to find a better solution for you.
Admire Dentistry are professional dentists with years of experience in providing quality dental services, including the treatment of sensitive teeth. Contact Admire Dentistry today to book an appointment.