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Dental X-Rays Are Safe for Children

One concern that parents often have about taking their child to our Balmain dental practice is that their child might require an X-ray. There are many misconceptions about the risk of getting a dental X-ray, but they are safer than ever, thanks to advances in technology. Our expert dentists can assure you that your child will be safe as we take all precautions to reduce any chance of risk involved with an X-ray.

The reason why dentists use X-rays is that they are an incredible tool for preventing future dental issues. We're able to spot the minor problems inside your child's mouth before they turn into something larger. It's the only way to find out if there are problems with your teeth below the tooth enamel or gum.

Since your child's oral hygiene and wellness is linked to their overall health, we highly recommend taking all preventive measures. That's why we use X-rays to make sure that issues are treated as soon as possible and don't worsen.

Since we're the top Balmain dental practice, Soothing Care Dental has replaced its film version of X-rays with digital ones. This change is that digital X-rays emit 80 per cent less radiation than the film versions. That makes X-rays much safer, and that's less than the amount of radiation people are exposed to daily. On top of that, dentists focus the X-ray beam at only the area they are inspecting, limiting the exposure amount. We also have patients wear protective equipment as well, such as shields and body aprons.

When deciding if a dental X-ray is necessary, our dentist will also weigh the pros and cons of the procedure as it relates to each child. They’ll review your child’s bill of health and complete a clinical exam first to make sure that it is necessary. If it is, then all of the best practises will be employed as safety is our top concern. However, often it isn’t required for young children as they have a low risk for tooth decay. We encourage all parents to help their child develop an oral hygiene plan early. After all, learning at a young age is the best way to prevent issues.

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Soothing Care DentalSoothing Care Dental
Joined: September 8th, 2020
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