If you searched "election results" after the presidential election of 2016, the top result you would have been served by Google was a fake news story touting Donald Trump as the winner of the popular vote. The official CNN election results page only had 321 backlinks and 40,000 shares on Facebook. The new form of propaganda shows that our old model of publication is no longer effective against the new power of participation. Propaganda is the provenance of public relations and was influenced by Edward Bernays post-WWI. When Bernays helped define public relations in 1917, the media environment was highly limited. In fact, there were only a few media channels. Narratives were easily manipulated simply by publication. Now our current media environment is limitless with the largest creators of content being individuals, not businesses or media outlets. This has turned the process of media manipulation on its head. Alicia Wanless has studied this phenomenon and worked with NATO and other world organizations to help them understand and combat the modern approach. The key difference Wanless found between current and past public relations is participation. Once an audience has been analyzed, the next step is content creation. Traditional PR relies on content created by mainstream media, while participatory models rely on engagement with decentralized media. This works now because of the way our current media environment operates. A piece of media (real or fake) currently only has a usable lifespan of a few hours and a total lifespan of 30 hours. Combine this with the Washington Post finding that 60% of people share content without reading it, and it’s easy to see why memes, leaks and controversial statements dominate our headlines. This tactic of creating salacious content and injecting it into echo chambers was found to be responsible for 50% of the traffic to alt-right websites during the 2016 presidential election. In addition to sharing content, Wanless discovered that over 77% of alt-right Facebook pages during the 2016 election allowed users to comment and post. This notion of allowing commentary and content from non-journalists is wildly different from far-left counterparts that often don't enable commentary or posting. The process of inserting highly controversial content into echo chambers, and promoting engagement with it, creates a massive amount of activity and begins to game current media algorithms. That small publication became a source that traditional media had no choice but to cover, if only to debunk it. This same participatory process has been studied and promoted by Andrew Davis, author of "Brandscaping." While Wanless sees it as a political lever, Davis sees it as an economic lever allowing brands to alter narratives and garner major media attention. As link bulding service explained during his talk at Content Marketing World in 2015, Davis’s process begins with core audience engagement, which he utilizes to identify key narratives. Next, through a series of paid and earned media promotions, he leverages these engagements with a larger and larger audience, gathering more engagement at each step until the narrative finally catches the attention of mainstream media. Davis describes how this process resulted in a story being placed in the Wall Street Journal and garnering airtime on the Today Show. It started after a guest submitted an article to Mashable discussing the White House considering a phone switch from Blackberry to Samsung. The combined engagement brought the story to the attention of Wall Street Journal columnist Will Connors. He was then cited by Mario Armstrong on the Today Show shortly thereafter. This same cyclical pattern that Wanless and Davis have identified gives us a new foundation for public relations and highlights the idea that "all mainstream media stories can be traced upstream to smaller, more accessible, outlets in a predictable pattern," according to Davis. The predictable pattern in each scenario is participation from a network that manipulates modern media, not just the publication. The key to stories reaching greater heights is directly tied to participation. Once the narrative has amassed enough engagement from the echo chamber, it easily influences traditional media outlets because it has already become a trending topic in its own right. Mainstream media outlets now act as laggards to narrative control, rather than the primary sources of Bernays' day. Welcome to the future of PR and the new world of participatory propaganda.

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Boisen HigginsBoisen Higgins
Joined: January 26th, 2021
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