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Resolutions To Follow For Seafarers

Resolutions To Follow For Seafarers

2021’s now in full swing! With the new year only just beginning, how are your resolutions as a seafarer coming along? If you still don’t have a list, here are some seafarer-related resolutions you can follow to make your 2021 worthwhile.

Reorient and Reeducate Oneself

With quarantine either leaving many maritime professionals at home or at sea doing their duties, now there is a bit more time to study the lessons given during your maritime training in the Philippines. Better yet, you can also take refresher courses (should your authorization expire) to stay in the loop on the latest information taught in today’s maritime curriculum. This makes you a much more flexible and up-to-date maritime professional.

Improve Health and Diet

Seafarers are susceptible to lots of high-risk illnesses like heart diseases or hand-arm vibration syndrome. With this in mind, you should do your best to improve your overall health through regular exercise or eating a balanced diet. Besides that, you can also take vitamins to build your immune system, which is necessary amid the pandemic. And lastly, as per the guidelines in preventing the spread of COVID-19, practice social distancing and wearing the proper protective gear.

Spend More Time and Talk to Family More

The current COVID-19 pandemic has made people realize that time is fleeting, and their loved ones can be gone in a flash. It also emphasized the loneliness of isolation and being away for an extended period, as evidenced by people in quarantine craving for their loved ones’ presence. With this in mind, now is the time to bond with your family more. If that isn’t possible due to distance, make up for it by having regular contact and communication. Keeping these relationships alive is incredibly important nowadays, so seafarers must do their best to stay connected to their families.

Take the Initiative in Your Career

While it may be intimidating at first, taking the big leap to improve your career can be beneficial in the long run. Talk to your supervisor for a well-deserved promotion and raise. Explore a different department that you can embark on within the industry. Doing these can open you up to new opportunities you wouldn’t get otherwise. Don’t be afraid to make bold decisions, because even if it ends up not panning out, you’ll be comforted by the notion that you tried and that you can try again next time to succeed.

We hope you can take these resolutions and apply them to your life as a seafarer this 2021. We wish you the best in your maritime career this year and the coming years after.

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Joined: January 28th, 2021
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